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Event Owners:

Doc below in reStructuredText

FUDCon APAC - Malaysia 2012

Cut off point: 120 attendees including crew.

.. list-table:: Venue Options
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Venue Options
     - Pros 
     - Cons
     - Person In Charge
   * - APIIT
     - near Sri Petaling LRT
     - management can be not cooperative
     - kagesenshi to contact gurdip
   * - MMU Melaka
     - lots of breakout halls
     - * not suitable during public holiday in .MY/.SG due to bad traffic 
     - wariola / kagesenshi to contact cerventus
   * - Pan Pacific - JB
     - near johor central, easy accommodation
     - probably some cost on ours
     - jipang
   * - Meciore Hotel, Senai
     - near senai airport
     - * airport not international
       * middle of nowhere
       * need bus from singapore
     - jipang
   * - Open University KLCC
     - need to know who we can contact
     - kagesenshi
   * - MMU Cyberjaya
     - need charter bus & partnering hotel as its a hard to reach using public transport
     - kagesenshi to contact syazli / jaan yeh

.. list-table:: Budget Draft
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Item
     - Approx cost per unit (USD)
     - Quantity
     - Total (USD) 
   * - Tshirt
     - 7
     - 120
     - 840
   * - Badge/Lanyard
     - 1 
     - 120
     - 120
   * - Lunch
     - 5
     - 120
     - 600
   * - Banners
     - 35
     - 7
     - 245
   * - FUDBBQ/FUDPub
     - 1000
     - 1000
   * - Total
     - 2805


Approx MYR 250 per double room		
Chartered Bus

Approx MYR400 per bus per day (1 bus - 40 person)
3 days trip for 3 bus (120 ppl) = MYR3600 (~= USD1200)


.. list-table:: Flight
   :header-rows: 1

   * - From
     - Approx return trip (MYR)		
   * - Indonesia 
     - 400		
   * - Phillippines
     - 600		
   * - Japan
     - 3000		
   * - Australia
     - 3000
   * - Sri Lanka 
     - 600		
   * - Cambodia
     - 550		
   * - Vietnam
     - 360		
   * - China
     - 720		
   * - Hong Kong
     - 720		
   * - Brunei
     - 440
   * - India (Bangalore)
     - 600
   * - Bangladesh
     - 600

Flight cost are subject to change according to booking dates. Amounts above were taken on 
April 2011 for flights on December 2011.
Stuff to do before next meeting

* kagesenshi to update ambassador apac about FUDCon
* kagesenshi to start the bidding process
* kagesenshi to copy this out into the Fedora Wiki
* those related to venue - get information on what logistics the venue can offer
* blindheart to decide on when to start call for participation
* blindheart to prepare proper budget and activity details after bidding approved
* next physical meeting on 29th May (Sunday) at Inigo Office together with Fedora 15 launch party