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Revision as of 16:44, 4 August 2009 by Pingou (talk | contribs) (Creation of the proposal)
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- At the beginning


- After Naming of R packages

R version

In R the package can contains '-' in their version.

"The version is a sequence of at least two (and usually three) non-negative integers separated by single ‘.’ or ‘-’ characters. The canonical form is as shown in the example [0.5-1 - Martyn], and a version such as ‘0.01’ or ‘0.01.0’ will be handled as if it were ‘0.1-0’."

To be consistent with the versioning system in Fedora you should just replace dashes with dots.


- In the tips

R documentation

R documentation is written in Tex files. rpmlint can complain about non utf-8 files but the encoding is normally specified in the file when needed, so you should not change the encoding


R headers

Some library have to be splitted in a main package and a sub -devel package. While doing so rpmlint might complain about miss placed file and ask to move the file from %{_libdir} to %{_datadir}. However doing this break the libraries using these file since the file are not where R expect them to be.

Therefore you can leave -devel in %{_libdir} in such case.


- At the end


R2spec is an excellent little tool to assist in creating Fedora-compliant packages for R libraries. Its use as a starting point is recommended (but certainly not mandated). More information on :