From Fedora Project Wiki

(1. Fix nomenclature to be more accurate, including a misnomer of "Red Hat seats." 2. Add handling for insufficient nominations.)
(Add draft notice)
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{{draft | Awaiting approval | This page reflects a policy change under consideration by the community and the Fedora Board, and has not yet been approved in its current state.  If approved, this notice will be removed.}}
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Revision as of 20:51, 29 May 2009

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page. Awaiting approval
Fedora Project Board: Succession Planning
The Fedora Project Board is made up of a mix of Red Hat employees and Fedora community contributors. This page describes the details of how the Board members are selected.


The Fedora Project Board has nine (9) seats, occupied by five (5) elected members and four (4) appointed members. All seats are occupied by Fedora community members. The Board has a Chairman, and that person is the Red Hat-appointed Fedora Project Leader .


OPEN SEAT: A seat is open when it is subject to the current election process.

TERM: Board members are elected for a term of two (2) major releases of Fedora. However, a Board member may resign his/her seat at any time.

CONTINUITY: It is the Board's desire to "roll over" about half of the seats with each term expiration.

ELIGIBLE VOTER: Any person in the Fedora Account System who has completed the Contributor License Agreement.


SCHEDULE: Elections for open community seats on the Board are held no more than 30 days after each major release of Fedora.

CHAIR: The Fedora Project Leader is appointed and not subject to elections.

APPOINTED SEATS: The people in these seats are appointed by Red Hat rather than community elected. Red Hat's continued interest in the success of Fedora ensures that qualified, motivated, and appropriately experienced individuals occupy these seats. Ultimately, the Fedora Project Leader has final say over who are in the appointed seats. Red Hat may choose to fill any of these seats with Red Hat employees, or other members of the Fedora community.

ELECTED SEATS: The remaining seats are subject to a general election of nominees from within the Fedora Project community. Both Red Hat employees and other members of the Fedora community may run for election.

NOMINATIONS: Nominations may be made by and of any eligible voter. Sitting Board members are not restricted from nomination or re-election to open seats.

BALLOTING: Elections are held by a ballot of eligible voters, using the election system in place for other Fedora subproject steering committee elections. The Fedora Project Board ensures that this system provides a fair, equitable, and open means for elections.

ORDER OF OPERATIONS: All appointed seats with the exception of one (1) will be announced prior to the elected seats being determined. We hold back the final appointment so that we can look at the entire incoming Board composition and use the last appointed seat to make sure that the breadth of skills represented is suitable.

INSUFFICIENT NOMINATIONS: If there are fewer nominees for elected Board seats than required to fill all seats, then the FPL will appoint individuals to fill any empty seats for a full term. At the expiry of the term, the seats in question revert to elected seats.

AMENDMENT: Changes to this process may be made by a 2/3 vote of the Fedora Project Board and the approval of the Chairman.