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=== SELinux Eats Babies, Confines Wives, Gives Birth ===
=== New RPM Sparks Exploded Source Debate ===

JonMasters plunged[1] his head into the lion's mouth with a request to "re-add" the option to disable SELinux (or change to permissive mode) during or shortly after installation of the OS. His reasons included the apparent random breaking of currently working applications due to policy changes and the lack of support via gnome-vfs for relabeling of files to fix context problems. He finished off by claiming that "unsuspecting Desktop users" should not have something as complex as SELinux forced on them without an easy way to disable it.
The announcement[1] of a sparkling new alpha-version of RPM by PanuMatilainen was greeted with congratulations and applause and later some passionate argument. It has been approximately one year since Panu solicited (see FWN#98 "Panu Opens Pandora's Box"[2] and FWN#99 "RPM Roadmap (Cont.)"[3]) suggestions from those not intimately involved in RPM development as to which problems should be fixed. This initiative was taken after deciding to move RPM-4.4 to bugfix maintenance due to artistic differences with the current RPM coder (who then led a very public fork named RPM5[4]). Panu's new RPM-4.6.0 implements many of those suggestions as detailed[5] in the release notes and many of those involved in the initial roadmap process (such as RalfCorsepius who cleaned[6] up the ''autotool'' stuff also helped to implement the desired changes. By Panu's estimate over 2300 commits were made[7] to the source since the initiative to get RPM development back on schedule began, and although the wiki provides[8] essential details of what has been implemented there is still a good deal of information lacking.


Jon's examples of stuff that broke included attempting to use an ISO in ''virtmanager'' and running vpnc. He was at pains to point out that he had been running SELinux in "enforcing" for a long time and that he was reporting these problems because he thought that average "Desktop" users would be unable to use ''chcon'' to fix them.

Responses mostly emphasized that Jon was far from a typical user. SimoSorce argued[2] that, as a fellow developer, he had learned to expect labeling problems due to his non-standard usage and also how to fix them including changing policy for some of his commonly used packages. He noted that DanWalsh was very helpful in this regard. A brief discussion between SethVidal and MatthiasClasen suggested[2a] that ''nautilus'' has been fixed in rawhide to allow the labelling of files through gnome-vfs via the right-click "properties" dialog.



DanWalsh wrote a detailed response[3] in which he commented that Jon had run ''vpnc'' from the command-line instead of from ''NetworkManager'', this latter being standard usage. Dan thought that this contradicted Jon's claim that this problem would be typically faced by an ordinary desktop user without access to, or knowledge of, ''chcon''. He further argued that the ''virt-manager'' problem was unlikely to be faced by such desktop users and went on to explain that "libvirtd is not unconfined whereas running qemu as a user is unconfined. Running qemu from libvirtd is still confined and is fixed by correct labeling. Hopefully the virt-manager people will assign an appropriate context at creation time, and/or default virtual machines to /var/lib/libvirt/images where they will be labeled correctly automatically."


Dan then commented that Desktop users are currently only confined with respect to executable memory checks in order to stop poorly written programs offering a means to execute buffer overflows. The use of PolicyKit, HAL and D-BUS to improve the user's desktop experience by running applications as root was mentioned by Dan as a further arena in which user confinement was necessary in order to prevent root exploits. He alluded to his recent presentations (e.g. [4],[5]) on confining users on Fedora 9 and rawhide as ways in which user types can be confined in customized ways to prevent such problems.

The announcement contained suggestions for users (of Rawhide where the alpha is available) about how to trouble-proof themselves and a more extensive list of notes for packagers. Of note are the changes to the macros to eliminate the old buildroot directory defaults and ignore[9] the BuildRoot in an rpm's spec file, and the addition of support for LZMA[10] compression. Another cool new feature is the addition of a macro to allow iteration over all patches, something which was welcomed[11] by JarodWilson, who noted that RHEL5 needed 1800 lines in the kernel specfile solely to mention each patch.



DanielBerrange added[6] that the ''libvirt'' problem should be permanently fixed in Fedora 10 due to new storage management capabilities.

It seems that a massive amount of work has gone into API changes and internal cleanup of the code in order to set up a framework for the addition of new features in the future.

Much of the rest of the discussion focused on the general problem of whether or not it was appropriate to offer uneducated users the option to disable intrinsic security. JesseKeating and AlanCox[7] thought that a lack of knowledge precluded a meaningful choice and JamesMorris agreed[8], and referenced BruceSchneier on risk evaluation and security. He concluded that "Punting the decision to the end user during installation is possibly the worst option. It's our responsibility as the developers of the OS to both get security right and make it usable. It's difficult, indeed, but not impossible."
ThorstenLeemhuis expressed[12] happiness with Panu's contribution but wondered whether the FESCo Feature process[13] had been shown to be unnecessarily bureaucratic by the manner in which this change had occurred. JoshBoyer and JeffSpaleta drew[14] a slightly different lesson and suggested that it ought to be made easier for a developer to determine whether their package upgrade should be filed as a feature. Panu also agreed[15] that Thorsten's points were fair but excused himself on the grounds of concentrating on upstream RPM development and not being sure what the demaraction between feature and non-feature was.



ColinWalters added[9] his voice to the chorus of those that believed that it was inappropriate to offer such options during installation. He suggested that ''system-config-selinux'' post-installation was available for those that really needed it and that the paths to solve this problem were not restricted to a binary "enabled or disabled by default" but included other possibilities such as: rawhide defaults to permissive; automatic reporting of denials to the Fedora developers; shifting more objects into unconfined_t in the default while confining network-facing services; and finally, using a regression test suite to ensure updates are not problems. Jon was largely in agreement[10] and again wanted to emphasize that he was appreciative of both Dan's rapid fixing of problems and the usefulness of SELinux itself, but he thought that the "tuning down of default policy" was the best option to enable "Desktops where people can just get stuff done." AlanCox did not buy this[11] and argued that no progress would be made without exposing us all to the problems which would then get fixed. He likened the discussion to the years-old one which had taken place concerning firewalls being enabled by default: "Sorry if I sound fed up of all of this but I spent 9 months fighting people years back to get firewalling enabled by default, and that had all the same arguments. Today nobody (even Microsoft) would propose otherwise." Alan added that ''setroubleshoot'' should be a bit more user friendly.


PaulFrields suggested[16] that it might be useful to think of the "Fedora feature process as leveraging what Fedora can provide for an upstream community. Two things that come to mind immediately are QA/testing and widespread publicizing of the feature." JohnPoelstra also drew attention[17] to the synergistic advantages of the Features process resulting from its public communication of what is being worked on currently. CallumLerwick, responding to Thorsten, gave his understanding of the Features process as "a conduit for the Engineering side of Fedora to collaborate with the Marketing side of Fedora, to allow the Marketing people to build up pre-release hype for new features without having to second-guess us notoriously busy, and quiet, engineering types. It allows the Marketing people to keep tabs on engineering activities and have reasonable certainty as to the status of the feature, specifically whether or not it is going to be finished in time for the final release." He emphasized the voluntary participation of developers and software engineers in the process and the benefit resulting from having marketing clued-in to interesting changes. JesseKeating responded[18] that the process was "way more than just marketing fluff. Features have very real schedule impact, just consider this time around, RPM with a bunch of new features, and a new gcc coming at some point soon. Usually we want to rebuild for both of those. Without some high level coordination, how do we schedule so that we rebuild once for all of the right reasons instead of multiple times individually?" The marketing advantages of the Feature process were confirmed[19] by PaulFrields. MatthiasClasen made[20] some concrete suggestions on how to improve the Feature process. They included the addition of definitions or explanations for each section and the preception that the review of his feature pages felt a bit like getting homework graded.


Apparent agreement on this last point exposed a further problem with several posters suggesting[12],[13] that a Windows Vista-like prompt to run a program which had been flagged as dangerous would be useful. SimoSorce and AndrewFarris highlighted[14],[15] the potential flaw of such an approach. SurenKarapetyan argued[16] that he and others were capable of making an informed choice to disable SELinux and that Fedora was becoming increasingly restricted in such freedoms. SimoSorce retorted[17] that re-adding the "disable SELinux" option during installation was wrong from a usability perspective and that if was both selfish and incompetent for Fedora developers to simply disable SELinux instead of dogfooding it. Suryen referenced Smolt statistics to bolster his case and argued that it was wrong to decide "for the user" what to do. AlanCox responded[18] that such statistics were meaningless because it was impossible to know how many of the users disabling SELinux had made an informed, correct choice.



The point about co-ordination of activities was highlighted when DougLedford confessed[21] that his first reaction had been "Oh hell...what a colossal waste of time" when he realized that he had spent a week studying what was now obsolete RPM source code. Panu's friendly response that Doug "could've just asked" drew out the central problem: "Yeah, I know, I just didn't know a big update like this was in the works." Doug's interest lay[22] in extending ''rpmdb'' to add fields to allow interaction with SCMs[23] mostly "to be able to support exploded source repos and usage of exploded source repos as canonical source versions of binary packages." Panu answered[24] that these sorts of changes were probably post-Fedora 10 and that he too was keen to integrate with SCM tools. He pleaded for some more patience to settle this clean, new codebase down before implementing such changes: "I know. People have been waiting SO long for various things to happen in RPM that everybody's out of patience and wants their stuff in NOW. Please try to be patient a little bit longer: once this release stabilizes, RPM can move to a "normal" development-release cycle where folks will not have to wait 5+ years to get their changes in :)" SethVidal and ToshioKuratomi were impatient with Doug's impatience[25,26] with the latter noting that Fedora Policy "to allow using source control repos interchangeably with tarballs would [not] be approved in time for F10 either."





Several other posters expressed frustration with the repetition of such objections to SELinux and there the thread would have lain, flogged senseless except that StewartAdam volunteered[19] to help write an "setroubleshoot" plugin that "allowed users to report audit denials similar to how kerneloops does. setroubleshoot then bridges the gap between new users and fixing the policy, and it could be done with stats to see what areas need work on. Naturally it would only report the denials the user requests to be submitted, so no "calling home" stuff." This proposal seemed to draw general approval[20],[21].

Later Panu requested[27] that packagers "refrain from using the new spec features in Fedora to minimize the fuss in case disaster strikes and we need to go back to rpm 4.4.x. The new rpm is on probation for a while ;) Please do test and use the new things as much as possible in private, just not yet in Fedora CVS. A further notification will be sent when the probation is over."


Doug expended a good deal of effort both trying to get an answer as to whether there was any point in him trying to go ahead and add some of the basic features which he thought were necessary, and also explaining why the ability to interact directly with a distributed SCM/VCS instead of through the middle-man of a tarball was a good idea. Among the advantages Doug described were "since you built the binary packages from this exploded source repo, then in order to give people the exact sources you built from, you need to make the repo available for clone/checkout by people. You need never once build an srpm or tarball from this repo if you don't want to [...] the first advantage to this type of setup is that every SCM worth a pile of dog poo will store the different versions of software in some form of change related format that keeps you from duplicating the same things over and over again like tarball after tarball does. You generally take a hit in size versus a single tarball, but end up saving quite a lot in the long run [...] you get to work on the code in native format, try things out, run build tests, and all the while the pain of repetitive rpm source processing is reduced[...]" Doug went on to explain that in the case where the upstream also uses a distributed SCM then things become even easier. He attached his notes (in ''tomboy'' format) with yet more detail.

=== Help Wanted: Samba4, Heimdahl, OpenChange ===
Doug was obviously brimming with ideas about how this would make Fedora development easier and reacted[28] with a certain amount of frustration to Panu's and Seth's assumption that he was asking them to do something which they could not get around to until Fedora 11. Doug also pointed[29] out that the problem of forcing the creators of spins to distribute their own sources was also possibly solved by using distributed SCMs and that he had discussed this with JesseKeating at the recent FUDCon. His perception was that the Fedora Project was actively blocking Red Hat's needs. JesseKeating later returned[30] to the problem of compliance with the distribution requirements of the GPL: ``I either have to offer you a CD/DVD of corresponding sources in <insert vague nonlegal terms here> format, or provide you a written offer to provide the above that is good for the next 3 years, or pass along such written offer that I myself may have gotten. Nobody has confirmed nor denied what that <vague nonlegal terms here> means, nor how long the 3year clock ticks on those formats, and whether or not directions on how to get the source from our public source repo is OK.''

An exciting promise of increased interoperability with Microsoft Exchange was wafted[1] in front of us when AndrewBartlett requested help in packaging OpenChange[2] and its dependencies. This would result in "evolution" and "kdepim" being able to use the native MAPI protocol and free them from relying upon fragile WebDAV access to the server.



JesseBarnes was excited enough to start helping out and after some pointers from RahulSundaram[3] and Andrew on how to get started[4] he very quickly got going[5]. AlexanderBoström and MarceloGobelli also expressed willingness to help.
This has been an inadequate summary of a complex topic. If you are interested in it you are well advised to read the thread especially Doug's posts and the responses to them. They start here[31].


=== Fedora EDU Spin Preview Temporarily Pulled ===

A spin targeted at educational environments, "Fedora EDU"[1], was announced [2] as available in preview by SebastianDzillias. He explained that its focus was on mathematical applications with a KDE-4.1 desktop environment and that it was currently x86 only.

=== Java, So Many Free Choices ===

PeterLemenkov requested[1] that the current wiki[2] be updated to summarize the status of the four available implementations[3] of Java: GCJ, OpenJDK/IcedTea, ecj, java-1.6.0-sun (this latter for EPEL only). His interest had been sparked by the observation that some packages were built with GCJ and had not been rebuilt with OpenJDK which he presumed to be superseding GCJ/ecj.

JesseKeating was quick to point out[3] that the use of the KDE-4.1 preview provided by the "kde-redhat" repositories meant that the spin could not use the "Fedora" trademarks. JoshBoyer amplified[4] on this with the information that "you need to get Board/Spin SIG/Rel Eng approval to call a spin a Fedora spin" and that there was no need to use the kde-redhat repositories as Rawhide already had the KDE preview packaged up. ChristopherAillon also noted the existence of the SpinSubmissionProcess and LukeMacken wondered [5] whether anyone wanted to help out in creating a "fedora-spins" mailing list to help unblocked that process.


3. Strictly speaking although these all share some features it's a bit misleading to lump them together. OpenJDK is Sun Microsystems' open-sourced implementation of the Java Platform (SE). This includes classes, an interpreter, compiler etc., whereas ''ecj'' was solely a bytecode compiler from the ''Eclipse'' project. ''GCJ'' can compile Java to bytecode or to native machine code and provides a linkable runtime which can interpret bytecode. ''IcedTea'' was a project which replaced non-Free parts of OpenJDK with GNU implementations.

AndrewHaley promised[4] to update the wiki and commented that due to limited people resources it was difficult to say exactly what the future of GCJ/ecj would be and that OpenJDK support needed to be extended across more platforms. He explained[5] that there was no need to use OpenJDK to rebuild packages which already compiled with ''GCJ'' and expanded on his earlier comment with the information that most non-x86 platforms were currently not fully supported by OpenJDK.

Further discussion between RexDieter and JoshBoyer revealed[6] that the spin was also based on Fedora 9, which led Josh to suggest that new spins should dovetail into the release process and specifically that this one should be based off Fedora 10. Rex agreed that this had been the plan, but that this was simply a preview to obtain feedback. JeffSpaleta thought[7] that "Preview binaries are great, because it shows that these particular Spin developers are making their best effort to get this working and tested[.]" He asked for confirmation that there was no actual policy preventing such preview spins being built against the current (as opposed to rawhide) release and suggested that the main problems were "they pushed ahead and used non-fedora binaries in what they published [and] [w]e don't want anyone out in the wild to get the idea that this is a baked concept. The generic logos are there specifically so we can do preview spins like this." Jose'Matos thought[8] that the question should be extended beyond spins to consider the general case of "non-official" repositories such as the TEXLive, Python-2.5 and other repositories. Although he was aware of the inherent possibility of diluting rawhide testing due to such repositories "I would have expected that by now we had some kind of mechanism to deal with such cases other than the non-official stance of every of those repositories." CharlesDostale thought[9] that an ultra-rawhide as hinted at by Jose' would be interesting.


When MattBooth suggested that ''GCJ'' would be needed until OpenJDK could support AOT compilation AndrewOverholt responded[6] that JIT compilation (as implemented by OpenJDK's ''Hotspot'' virtual machine) removed this need. AndrewHaley disagreed [7] for at least the case of lower-powered boxes which would benefit from AOT.



After all this talk about the many Free choices available in Java KevinKoffler wondered[8] whether some of the other virtual machines, such as ChristianThalinger's ''cacao''[9] or GaryBenson's ''shark''[10], both of which attempt to re-implement ''Hotspot'' in more portable ways, would be receiving attention. AndrewHaley responded[11] that help was welcome, "building Cacao + OpenJDK on one of the secondary arches and reporting back on how well it works would be massively useful."
JeroenvanMeeuwen agreed[10] with Jeff that there was no current hard policy against working off the current release and decided to "propose to the spin sig to have the spin-kickstarts master branch use generic-logos (master branch is for development so basically anyone can do anything there)." RexDieter took responsibility and announced on his blog[11] that the spin was pulled until the aforementioned problems had been resolved.  



Later Jeroen posted[12] an explanation and request for how those wishing to produce official Fedora spins should proceed. An exchange[13] between JesseKeating and RahulSundaram focused on the question of whether FESCo should, as the designated body, be the one to decide whether the "desktop" and KDE variants were not spins. Jesse argued that because they were produced as part of the distribution they should be treated as "in essence the non-contrib part" and thus not to be treated as spins. Jesse argued strongly that it was "ill advised [for FESCo to have voted that spins are not features and] Releng and the Spins SIG want them to be features, and I'll use my powers in FESCo now and the board as well if necessary to push that agenda." He returned to the theme that Features were essential to the process of co-ordinating the production of a release. Rahul agreed[14] with the logic of Jesse's argument but disagreed with the over-riding of FESCo's decision "[..] if FESCo makes a decision, it should be the same group reversing it instead of any of us arbitrarily deciding otherwise. There is no point in FESCo making such decisions otherwise." JeffSpaleta also appeared[15] to believe that the decision-making process was slightly off-kilter.


=== Fedora 9 Now Officially Supported On Itanium/IA64 ===

An announcement[1] by PraritBhargava of the availability of Fedora 9 on the ia64 "itanium" platform is the first fruit of the work done (see FWN#90[2], FWN#92[3]) to open up the Fedora project to "secondary architectures."


=== Fedora, Meet OLPC. OLPC, Meet Fedora ===

GregdeKoenigsberg asked[1] Fedora packagers to help out the OLPC project by taking up the reins as far as package maintenance goes. He noted that contrary to some press reports the OLPC project has not died and quoted some surprising statistics: "OLPC has shipped over 300,000 units to kids around the world. They plan to ship at least another 50,000 more each month, and very likely more than that. It's entirely possible that by the end of 2008, there will be a million OLPC systems deployed worldwide. Of those systems, 100% of them currently run Fedora, and 0% of them currently run Windows despite the press clippings you may have read." Greg argued that this made OLPC Fedora's single largest customer and that the community was exceptionally well placed to help this continue. Some of the tasks were "simple issues that even novice packagers could handle." JeffSpaleta suggested that a "Sugar Desktop Spin" for standard PC hardware with a SIG to help organize around would improve efficiency.

This means that it is now possible to run Fedora on an expanded range of high end hardware (from HP, SGI, NEC, Fujitsu, Unisys, Hitachi and Bull according to the architecture maintainers[4]. The release notes inaccurately describe this as a "beta" but DougChapman clarified that it is a GA release.

DebarshiRay wondered[2] "Can someone running vanilla Fedora (8/9/etc.) without any physical access to the XO hardware maintain/use OLPC packages?" and DennisGilmore answered[3] unequivocally "Yes, there is only a tiny handful of packages that are specific to the hardware/setup of the XO. the rest should always be applicable for use outside of the XO, sugar is in F-9 there is still some kinks in regards to the packaging that needs fixed. but if it doesnt work right on a normal fedora desktop its a bug and needs fixing." ChristopherAillon pointed out[4] that plenty of packagers maintain their packages for architecturs, such as PPC, for which they do not have physical hardware and that XO was no different.

Prarit warned that there were a few important points of which to be aware including some slight source differences from stock Fedora 9. Consequently attempts to use ''yumdownloader'' will pull in SRPMS which do not match the actual source used to produce the ia64 binaries. MichaelSchwendt wanted to know why the ia64 release was out of sync with the other architectures and exactly what patches had been applied to stock Fedora. DougChapman answered[5] that future releases would hopefully reflect the experience gained in this very first "secondary architecture" and result in near perfect synchronization. He added that the changes to stock Fedora 9 source were in Fedora CVS so there were "no special ia64 patches floating around" and that the ia64 Everything repository had about 98% of the packages available on other arches. The builds are conducted on a separate Koji server using an identical method to the other architectures.


DavidWoodhouse asked[6] why the download URL was so different to that of other supported architectures. BillNottingham responded[7] that ia64 was intentionally left off the Fedora master mirror due to space constraints.

ColinWalters thought[5] that simple manual fixing of problems missed the opportunity to automate the process where appropriate.  DanielDrake raised[6] a related point, based on his experience of working on upgrading the OLPC from Fedora 7 to Fedora 9, which was that there appeared to be ever increasing bloat as a result of dependency chains. Due to the limited space on the XO Daniel requested help in slimming things down somehow. MatthiasClasen remembered[7] that when he had been involved with OLPC it had been necessary to do a lot of "dependency pruning." He advised that the best course of action was to "keep fighting this by filing bugs and pointing out package split candidates, since these deps have the tendency to grow back." RahulSundaram noted[8] that the need to produce LiveCDs helped combat the bloat tendency and RichardJones separately mentioned[9] ''oVirt''[10] in the same context.


RichardJones wanted[8] to know how to build Rawhide packages against ia64 using Koji and PaulHowarth provided[9] some sample Koji commands. DanHorak thought that ''fedora-packager-setup'' should provide some default configs in ''~/.koji''.



=== Running As Root ===

A tired JerryWilliams asked[1] that the prompt which warns users that they have logged in as root to a session should have a means to easily disable it: "People login as root and have to keep clicking "Continue" and it slows things down."

After MatthiasClasen told Daniel that ''gvfs'' would possibly be split-up for Fedora 10, but that it was unlikely without a fork for Fedora 9, DennisGilmore added that he had been working on always tracking Rawhide for the olpc and that a Fedora 10-based build was possible. DanielBerrange spoke for the ''oVirt'' project when he expressed[11] a desire for tools to produce nightly reports on statistics such as the "disk footprint of the chain starting from package 'X', or list of dependancies from package 'X', or perhaps something that given a kickstart o/le can report the total size of the package set listed in the kickstart without actually going through the full livecd (or equiv) build process." SethVidal offered to take care of this and Daniel added[12] some further desiderata. Shortly afterwards Seth whipped-up an implementation to which JeremyKatz commented "The thing which becomes important to see is growth (or shrinkage) in packages as well as what new packages/removed packages there are. Which involves fiddly questions of growth thresholds and human analysis of the output." DavidTimms was excited[13] by the output, including what it appeared to reveal about the minimal set of install packages. Seth ended up modifying the output to a simple format which allowed[14] the use of standard UNIX text-processing commands to do fun things with the output.

TomCallaway disagreed[2], likening this to "using a loaded shotgun as a golf club, and what you're suggesting is that we take the safety off, because it interferes with your golf game." He suggested that the preferred behavior was to login as a normal user and then use ''sudo'' or ''su'' to elevate privileges to those of root only when necessary. Jerry decided[3] to re-think why he needed such root privileges and consequently drew attention to the lack of a non-root account setup on install, the presence of applications such as browsers in the root GUI profile, and the need to know the root password to use some configuration tools anyway.



Some of these points have received prior developer attention (see FWN#103 "Root Login And Display Managers In Rawhide"[4]) and were specifically discussed with reference to the Desktop Live spin.Tom acknowledged[5] that Jerry's questions were valid and wondered what had happened to "making the root GUI session a super-minimal session." DougLedford also mounted[6] a spirited defense of the occasional need to log in as root, although he conceded that it should not be made too easy to do so. His reasons included scenarios in which network-provided accounts and authentication are unavailable.
=== Getting Rid of pam.console for Fedora 10 ? ===

Currently Fedora sports both ''pam.console'' and HAL-based ACL support and BillNottingham posted[1] that it was "time to cut the cord and remove pam.console, so we only have one way of setting device permissions to worry about." He attached a list of affected packages.


ChrisAdams wondered[2] how he would implement HAL-based ACLs for his serial ports to access other consoles. Following Bill's request for an ''lshal'' output and a pointer to an example HAL policy Chris's own stab at producing the policy seemed to pass muster. He added "I have another system where I have multiple USB-to-RS232 adapters; one is used for outbound terminal sessions (console user gets access) and one for a modem (no console access). I dioeerentiate between the two with a udev rule that adds a symlink (e.g. "term" and "modem") and then set the permissions with a pam.console match on the symlink. Is it possible to match something set from udev like that (so I don't have two places to keep track of hardare serial numbers and such for matching)?" Bill's reply suggested examining ''/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-usb-pda.fdi'' and ''/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-acl-management.fdi'' in order to see respectively how varying information in HAL is handled and then ACL management is applied. This led a happy JeffSpaleta to exclaim[3] "that was the first explanation of how to do this sort of thing on how to generate new hardwar access control rules that I've actually followed."
DavidZeuthen corrected[4] Bill's description of the surgery to "the plan is actually to move this to ConsoleKit (HAL is going away and all that etc. etc.) but that's most likely F11 material. So suggest to hold ooe this feature for now." This might reassure DmitryButskoy who commented[5] that pam.console's "auth" features were useful.
=== New PackageKit and GNOME-packagekit in Fedora 9 ===
RichardHughes drew attention[1] to the availability of API-breaking update of ''PackageKit'' and ''gnome-packagekit'' in the Fedora 9 "updates-testing" repository. He requested testing and bug reporting via email.
Richard noted that speed-wise there would be a major improvement coming much later based upon his work on profiling ''yum'' and working around "slow paths in the API [...] For instance, the group list used to take 14 seconds on my machine, and now completes in less than a tenth of a second using master." SethVidal cautioned[2] against Richard's approach of accessing the SQLite databases directly instead of going through YUM's layers and suggested that instead "I've implemented a searchNames() method to pkgSack in yum which will let you search very quickly for multiple package names."
Most of the other responses reported no significant issues after several days of testing, except that MartinSourada found[3] some non-intuitive behavior when installing local rpms amd a potential security hole.

Revision as of 23:38, 12 July 2008

New RPM Sparks Exploded Source Debate

The announcement[1] of a sparkling new alpha-version of RPM by PanuMatilainen was greeted with congratulations and applause and later some passionate argument. It has been approximately one year since Panu solicited (see FWN#98 "Panu Opens Pandora's Box"[2] and FWN#99 "RPM Roadmap (Cont.)"[3]) suggestions from those not intimately involved in RPM development as to which problems should be fixed. This initiative was taken after deciding to move RPM-4.4 to bugfix maintenance due to artistic differences with the current RPM coder (who then led a very public fork named RPM5[4]). Panu's new RPM-4.6.0 implements many of those suggestions as detailed[5] in the release notes and many of those involved in the initial roadmap process (such as RalfCorsepius who cleaned[6] up the autotool stuff also helped to implement the desired changes. By Panu's estimate over 2300 commits were made[7] to the source since the initiative to get RPM development back on schedule began, and although the wiki provides[8] essential details of what has been implemented there is still a good deal of information lacking.









The announcement contained suggestions for users (of Rawhide where the alpha is available) about how to trouble-proof themselves and a more extensive list of notes for packagers. Of note are the changes to the macros to eliminate the old buildroot directory defaults and ignore[9] the BuildRoot in an rpm's spec file, and the addition of support for LZMA[10] compression. Another cool new feature is the addition of a macro to allow iteration over all patches, something which was welcomed[11] by JarodWilson, who noted that RHEL5 needed 1800 lines in the kernel specfile solely to mention each patch.




It seems that a massive amount of work has gone into API changes and internal cleanup of the code in order to set up a framework for the addition of new features in the future.

ThorstenLeemhuis expressed[12] happiness with Panu's contribution but wondered whether the FESCo Feature process[13] had been shown to be unnecessarily bureaucratic by the manner in which this change had occurred. JoshBoyer and JeffSpaleta drew[14] a slightly different lesson and suggested that it ought to be made easier for a developer to determine whether their package upgrade should be filed as a feature. Panu also agreed[15] that Thorsten's points were fair but excused himself on the grounds of concentrating on upstream RPM development and not being sure what the demaraction between feature and non-feature was.





PaulFrields suggested[16] that it might be useful to think of the "Fedora feature process as leveraging what Fedora can provide for an upstream community. Two things that come to mind immediately are QA/testing and widespread publicizing of the feature." JohnPoelstra also drew attention[17] to the synergistic advantages of the Features process resulting from its public communication of what is being worked on currently. CallumLerwick, responding to Thorsten, gave his understanding of the Features process as "a conduit for the Engineering side of Fedora to collaborate with the Marketing side of Fedora, to allow the Marketing people to build up pre-release hype for new features without having to second-guess us notoriously busy, and quiet, engineering types. It allows the Marketing people to keep tabs on engineering activities and have reasonable certainty as to the status of the feature, specifically whether or not it is going to be finished in time for the final release." He emphasized the voluntary participation of developers and software engineers in the process and the benefit resulting from having marketing clued-in to interesting changes. JesseKeating responded[18] that the process was "way more than just marketing fluff. Features have very real schedule impact, just consider this time around, RPM with a bunch of new features, and a new gcc coming at some point soon. Usually we want to rebuild for both of those. Without some high level coordination, how do we schedule so that we rebuild once for all of the right reasons instead of multiple times individually?" The marketing advantages of the Feature process were confirmed[19] by PaulFrields. MatthiasClasen made[20] some concrete suggestions on how to improve the Feature process. They included the addition of definitions or explanations for each section and the preception that the review of his feature pages felt a bit like getting homework graded. [16]





The point about co-ordination of activities was highlighted when DougLedford confessed[21] that his first reaction had been "Oh hell...what a colossal waste of time" when he realized that he had spent a week studying what was now obsolete RPM source code. Panu's friendly response that Doug "could've just asked" drew out the central problem: "Yeah, I know, I just didn't know a big update like this was in the works." Doug's interest lay[22] in extending rpmdb to add fields to allow interaction with SCMs[23] mostly "to be able to support exploded source repos and usage of exploded source repos as canonical source versions of binary packages." Panu answered[24] that these sorts of changes were probably post-Fedora 10 and that he too was keen to integrate with SCM tools. He pleaded for some more patience to settle this clean, new codebase down before implementing such changes: "I know. People have been waiting SO long for various things to happen in RPM that everybody's out of patience and wants their stuff in NOW. Please try to be patient a little bit longer: once this release stabilizes, RPM can move to a "normal" development-release cycle where folks will not have to wait 5+ years to get their changes in :)" SethVidal and ToshioKuratomi were impatient with Doug's impatience[25,26] with the latter noting that Fedora Policy "to allow using source control repos interchangeably with tarballs would [not] be approved in time for F10 either."







Later Panu requested[27] that packagers "refrain from using the new spec features in Fedora to minimize the fuss in case disaster strikes and we need to go back to rpm 4.4.x. The new rpm is on probation for a while ;) Please do test and use the new things as much as possible in private, just not yet in Fedora CVS. A further notification will be sent when the probation is over."


Doug expended a good deal of effort both trying to get an answer as to whether there was any point in him trying to go ahead and add some of the basic features which he thought were necessary, and also explaining why the ability to interact directly with a distributed SCM/VCS instead of through the middle-man of a tarball was a good idea. Among the advantages Doug described were "since you built the binary packages from this exploded source repo, then in order to give people the exact sources you built from, you need to make the repo available for clone/checkout by people. You need never once build an srpm or tarball from this repo if you don't want to [...] the first advantage to this type of setup is that every SCM worth a pile of dog poo will store the different versions of software in some form of change related format that keeps you from duplicating the same things over and over again like tarball after tarball does. You generally take a hit in size versus a single tarball, but end up saving quite a lot in the long run [...] you get to work on the code in native format, try things out, run build tests, and all the while the pain of repetitive rpm source processing is reduced[...]" Doug went on to explain that in the case where the upstream also uses a distributed SCM then things become even easier. He attached his notes (in tomboy format) with yet more detail.

Doug was obviously brimming with ideas about how this would make Fedora development easier and reacted[28] with a certain amount of frustration to Panu's and Seth's assumption that he was asking them to do something which they could not get around to until Fedora 11. Doug also pointed[29] out that the problem of forcing the creators of spins to distribute their own sources was also possibly solved by using distributed SCMs and that he had discussed this with JesseKeating at the recent FUDCon. His perception was that the Fedora Project was actively blocking Red Hat's needs. JesseKeating later returned[30] to the problem of compliance with the distribution requirements of the GPL: I either have to offer you a CD/DVD of corresponding sources in <insert vague nonlegal terms here> format, or provide you a written offer to provide the above that is good for the next 3 years, or pass along such written offer that I myself may have gotten. Nobody has confirmed nor denied what that <vague nonlegal terms here> means, nor how long the 3year clock ticks on those formats, and whether or not directions on how to get the source from our public source repo is OK.




This has been an inadequate summary of a complex topic. If you are interested in it you are well advised to read the thread especially Doug's posts and the responses to them. They start here[31].


Fedora EDU Spin Preview Temporarily Pulled

A spin targeted at educational environments, "Fedora EDU"[1], was announced [2] as available in preview by SebastianDzillias. He explained that its focus was on mathematical applications with a KDE-4.1 desktop environment and that it was currently x86 only.



JesseKeating was quick to point out[3] that the use of the KDE-4.1 preview provided by the "kde-redhat" repositories meant that the spin could not use the "Fedora" trademarks. JoshBoyer amplified[4] on this with the information that "you need to get Board/Spin SIG/Rel Eng approval to call a spin a Fedora spin" and that there was no need to use the kde-redhat repositories as Rawhide already had the KDE preview packaged up. ChristopherAillon also noted the existence of the SpinSubmissionProcess and LukeMacken wondered [5] whether anyone wanted to help out in creating a "fedora-spins" mailing list to help unblocked that process.




Further discussion between RexDieter and JoshBoyer revealed[6] that the spin was also based on Fedora 9, which led Josh to suggest that new spins should dovetail into the release process and specifically that this one should be based off Fedora 10. Rex agreed that this had been the plan, but that this was simply a preview to obtain feedback. JeffSpaleta thought[7] that "Preview binaries are great, because it shows that these particular Spin developers are making their best effort to get this working and tested[.]" He asked for confirmation that there was no actual policy preventing such preview spins being built against the current (as opposed to rawhide) release and suggested that the main problems were "they pushed ahead and used non-fedora binaries in what they published [and] [w]e don't want anyone out in the wild to get the idea that this is a baked concept. The generic logos are there specifically so we can do preview spins like this." Jose'Matos thought[8] that the question should be extended beyond spins to consider the general case of "non-official" repositories such as the TEXLive, Python-2.5 and other repositories. Although he was aware of the inherent possibility of diluting rawhide testing due to such repositories "I would have expected that by now we had some kind of mechanism to deal with such cases other than the non-official stance of every of those repositories." CharlesDostale thought[9] that an ultra-rawhide as hinted at by Jose' would be interesting.





JeroenvanMeeuwen agreed[10] with Jeff that there was no current hard policy against working off the current release and decided to "propose to the spin sig to have the spin-kickstarts master branch use generic-logos (master branch is for development so basically anyone can do anything there)." RexDieter took responsibility and announced on his blog[11] that the spin was pulled until the aforementioned problems had been resolved.



Later Jeroen posted[12] an explanation and request for how those wishing to produce official Fedora spins should proceed. An exchange[13] between JesseKeating and RahulSundaram focused on the question of whether FESCo should, as the designated body, be the one to decide whether the "desktop" and KDE variants were not spins. Jesse argued that because they were produced as part of the distribution they should be treated as "in essence the non-contrib part" and thus not to be treated as spins. Jesse argued strongly that it was "ill advised [for FESCo to have voted that spins are not features and] Releng and the Spins SIG want them to be features, and I'll use my powers in FESCo now and the board as well if necessary to push that agenda." He returned to the theme that Features were essential to the process of co-ordinating the production of a release. Rahul agreed[14] with the logic of Jesse's argument but disagreed with the over-riding of FESCo's decision "[..] if FESCo makes a decision, it should be the same group reversing it instead of any of us arbitrarily deciding otherwise. There is no point in FESCo making such decisions otherwise." JeffSpaleta also appeared[15] to believe that the decision-making process was slightly off-kilter.





Fedora, Meet OLPC. OLPC, Meet Fedora

GregdeKoenigsberg asked[1] Fedora packagers to help out the OLPC project by taking up the reins as far as package maintenance goes. He noted that contrary to some press reports the OLPC project has not died and quoted some surprising statistics: "OLPC has shipped over 300,000 units to kids around the world. They plan to ship at least another 50,000 more each month, and very likely more than that. It's entirely possible that by the end of 2008, there will be a million OLPC systems deployed worldwide. Of those systems, 100% of them currently run Fedora, and 0% of them currently run Windows despite the press clippings you may have read." Greg argued that this made OLPC Fedora's single largest customer and that the community was exceptionally well placed to help this continue. Some of the tasks were "simple issues that even novice packagers could handle." JeffSpaleta suggested that a "Sugar Desktop Spin" for standard PC hardware with a SIG to help organize around would improve efficiency.


DebarshiRay wondered[2] "Can someone running vanilla Fedora (8/9/etc.) without any physical access to the XO hardware maintain/use OLPC packages?" and DennisGilmore answered[3] unequivocally "Yes, there is only a tiny handful of packages that are specific to the hardware/setup of the XO. the rest should always be applicable for use outside of the XO, sugar is in F-9 there is still some kinks in regards to the packaging that needs fixed. but if it doesnt work right on a normal fedora desktop its a bug and needs fixing." ChristopherAillon pointed out[4] that plenty of packagers maintain their packages for architecturs, such as PPC, for which they do not have physical hardware and that XO was no different.




ColinWalters thought[5] that simple manual fixing of problems missed the opportunity to automate the process where appropriate. DanielDrake raised[6] a related point, based on his experience of working on upgrading the OLPC from Fedora 7 to Fedora 9, which was that there appeared to be ever increasing bloat as a result of dependency chains. Due to the limited space on the XO Daniel requested help in slimming things down somehow. MatthiasClasen remembered[7] that when he had been involved with OLPC it had been necessary to do a lot of "dependency pruning." He advised that the best course of action was to "keep fighting this by filing bugs and pointing out package split candidates, since these deps have the tendency to grow back." RahulSundaram noted[8] that the need to produce LiveCDs helped combat the bloat tendency and RichardJones separately mentioned[9] oVirt[10] in the same context.







After MatthiasClasen told Daniel that gvfs would possibly be split-up for Fedora 10, but that it was unlikely without a fork for Fedora 9, DennisGilmore added that he had been working on always tracking Rawhide for the olpc and that a Fedora 10-based build was possible. DanielBerrange spoke for the oVirt project when he expressed[11] a desire for tools to produce nightly reports on statistics such as the "disk footprint of the chain starting from package 'X', or list of dependancies from package 'X', or perhaps something that given a kickstart o/le can report the total size of the package set listed in the kickstart without actually going through the full livecd (or equiv) build process." SethVidal offered to take care of this and Daniel added[12] some further desiderata. Shortly afterwards Seth whipped-up an implementation to which JeremyKatz commented "The thing which becomes important to see is growth (or shrinkage) in packages as well as what new packages/removed packages there are. Which involves fiddly questions of growth thresholds and human analysis of the output." DavidTimms was excited[13] by the output, including what it appeared to reveal about the minimal set of install packages. Seth ended up modifying the output to a simple format which allowed[14] the use of standard UNIX text-processing commands to do fun things with the output.





Getting Rid of pam.console for Fedora 10 ?

Currently Fedora sports both pam.console and HAL-based ACL support and BillNottingham posted[1] that it was "time to cut the cord and remove pam.console, so we only have one way of setting device permissions to worry about." He attached a list of affected packages.


ChrisAdams wondered[2] how he would implement HAL-based ACLs for his serial ports to access other consoles. Following Bill's request for an lshal output and a pointer to an example HAL policy Chris's own stab at producing the policy seemed to pass muster. He added "I have another system where I have multiple USB-to-RS232 adapters; one is used for outbound terminal sessions (console user gets access) and one for a modem (no console access). I dioeerentiate between the two with a udev rule that adds a symlink (e.g. "term" and "modem") and then set the permissions with a pam.console match on the symlink. Is it possible to match something set from udev like that (so I don't have two places to keep track of hardare serial numbers and such for matching)?" Bill's reply suggested examining /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-usb-pda.fdi and /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20-acl-management.fdi in order to see respectively how varying information in HAL is handled and then ACL management is applied. This led a happy JeffSpaleta to exclaim[3] "that was the first explanation of how to do this sort of thing on how to generate new hardwar access control rules that I've actually followed."



DavidZeuthen corrected[4] Bill's description of the surgery to "the plan is actually to move this to ConsoleKit (HAL is going away and all that etc. etc.) but that's most likely F11 material. So suggest to hold ooe this feature for now." This might reassure DmitryButskoy who commented[5] that pam.console's "auth" features were useful.



New PackageKit and GNOME-packagekit in Fedora 9

RichardHughes drew attention[1] to the availability of API-breaking update of PackageKit and gnome-packagekit in the Fedora 9 "updates-testing" repository. He requested testing and bug reporting via email.


Richard noted that speed-wise there would be a major improvement coming much later based upon his work on profiling yum and working around "slow paths in the API [...] For instance, the group list used to take 14 seconds on my machine, and now completes in less than a tenth of a second using master." SethVidal cautioned[2] against Richard's approach of accessing the SQLite databases directly instead of going through YUM's layers and suggested that instead "I've implemented a searchNames() method to pkgSack in yum which will let you search very quickly for multiple package names."


Most of the other responses reported no significant issues after several days of testing, except that MartinSourada found[3] some non-intuitive behavior when installing local rpms amd a potential security hole.
