From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 14:34, 2 April 2012 by Bckurera (talk | contribs)

Upcomming importants dates for students,

April 06: Student application deadline.

March 26: Student application period opens.
Students should atleast complete following steps on or before 6th April (1900 UTC) to get qualified their submission as valid submission;
  1. have subscribed with the summer-coding mailing list
  2. owns a FAS account
  3. application is available on the Fedora project wiki
  4. application is submitted to google-melange

Missing one of above will results in rejecting your application. Therefore please be extra careful.

Learn about the program

Find a project

Start communicating

  • Begin communicating with the community. Other members of the community can help you refine your idea, and you may meet potential mentors. You should contact sub-projects within the community that can provide mentors for your project idea, and you should join,

Set up an account

If you do not already have an account in the Fedora Account System, create one.

Create your proposal

  • Navigate the following URL, replacing <UserName> with your fedora username<UserName>&action=edit

  • Populate the form on this page with the contents of the following, filling in the necessary details:

(make sure to _omit_ the <pre> tags)

  • Save the page and then click 'watch this page' at the top
  • Navigate to the following URL, replacing <UserName> with your fedora username and <ProposalName> with the name of your proposal<Username>/<ProposalName>&action=edit

  • Populate the form on page with the contents of the following, filling in the necessary details

(make sure to _omit_ the <pre> tags)

  • Save the page and then click 'watch this page' at the top
  • Repeat steps 5-7 for additional proposals you would like to submit

If you need help visit GSOC_2012#Communication and/or view the sample proposal at GSOC_2012/Student_Application_Bckurera/sample_wiki

Let others know

Let others know about your submission by forwarding your application URL with a brief description about your proposal to the summer-coding mailing list.

Keep communicating

  • We cannot overstress the importance of communication. Keep talking, and listening, to the discussion group, to the sub-projects relevant to your proposal and to potential mentors. Be patient, as mentors and other contributors are often very busy people.