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This article describes the installation process of ResultsDB to be used together with AutoQA.


Installed Fedora 14+ or RHEL 6, preferably in a virtual environment.

Deploying ResultsDB as Apache2/wsgi application

Make all the steps as 'root', if not specified otherwise.

Install apache and mod_wsgi using DNF or YUM:

dnf|yum install httpd mod_wsgi

Install and configure mysql

dnf|yum install mysql-server mysql-devel git
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
mysql -u root -p
create database resultsdb;
grant usage on *.* to resultsdb@localhost identified by 'TOP_SECRET_PASSWORD';
grant all privileges on resultsdb.* to resultsdb@localhost;

Setup base virtualenv

dnf|yum install python-pycurl python-fedora MySQL-python python-virtualenv gcc libcurl-devel
mkdir -p /usr/local/pythonenv
cd /usr/local/pythonenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages resultsdb
chown -R apache:apache resultsdb

Clone the resultsdb git & initialize the base virtualenv

mkdir git
chown apache:apache git
sudo -u apache bash
cd git
git clone git:// resultsdb
source /usr/local/pythonenv/resultsdb/bin/activate
easy_install -i tg.devtools
cd /usr/local/pythonenv/git/resultsdb/resultsdb/
python develop

Edit the 'development.ini' file adding the password defined above



paster setup-app development.ini
source /usr/local/pythonenv/resultsdb/bin/activate

Install modwsgi deploy helper tool

cd ~/
easy_install bzr
mkdir modwsgideploy
cd modwsgideploy
bzr branch
cd parameterized/trunk
python develop

Prepare the actual deployment data

mkdir /usr/local/turbogears
cd /usr/local/pythonenv/git/resultsdb/resultsdb/
cp -r ../resultsdb /usr/local/turbogears/
paster make-config resultsdb production.ini
mv production.ini /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb
mkdir /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/python-eggs
cd /usr/local/pythonenv/
chown -R apache:apache resultsdb

Use the modwsgi_deploy tool to create apache config files

cd /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb
paster modwsgi_deploy --logging -b /usr/local/pythonenv/resultsdb 

Apacheuser needs to own the deployed directory & files

chown -R apache:apache /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb

And we need to setup the links in virtualenv correctly for the /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb

cd  /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb
python develop

Config files

Copy apache config file

cp /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/apache/resultsdb /etc/httpd/conf.d/resultsdb.conf

Edit /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/production.ini

[Default] -> debug = false
[app:main] -> full_stack = false
[app:main] -> set debug = false
[app:main] -> sqlalchemy.url = mysql://resultsdb:TOP_SECRET_PASSWORD@localhost:3306/resultsdb


add "WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi" (without quotes) to /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf

Change /etc/httpd/conf.d/resultsdb.conf

Original line:
    WSGIScriptAlias /resultsdb/ /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/apache/resultsdb.wsgi
Change line to (notice the deleted slash at the end of the originally '/resultsdb/'):
    WSGIScriptAlias /resultsdb /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/apache/resultsdb.wsgi

Change /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb/apache/resultsdb.wsgi (sometimes, the line is already OK, so just leave it there :))

Original line:
Changed line:

Restart the httpd service, and try to access http://url.of.your.server/resultsdb/ you should see the ResultsDB's "man" page.

Populating MySQL database

source /usr/local/pythonenv/resultsdb/bin/activate
cd /usr/local/turbogears/resultsdb
paster setup-app production.ini

Also, don't forget to populate the 'Testcase' table. If you intend to use ResultsDB with AutoQA, this should be enough:

INSERT INTO Testcase(name, url) VALUES ("not specified","")

Developer Setup

Make all the steps as a non-root user, if not specified otherwise.

Install and configure mysql

sudo dnf|yum install mysql-server
sudo chkconfig mysqld on
sudo service mysqld start
sudo /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
mysql -u root -p
create database resultsdb;
grant usage on *.* to resultsdb@localhost identified by '9zWyNtmBmHcUe6Yn';
grant all privileges on resultsdb.* to resultsdb@localhost;

Prepare virtualenv environment

sudo dnf|yum install gcc sqlite-devel python-virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages tg2env
cd tg2env
source bin/activate
easy_install -i tg.devtools

Download ResultsDB from GIT

git clone git:// resultsdb
cd resultsdb/resultsdb

Install dependencies and setup the application

sudo dnf|yum install python-pycurl python-fedora MySQL-python
python develop
paster setup-app development.ini

Also, don't forget to populate the 'Testcase' table. If you intend to use ResultsDB with AutoQA, this should be enough:

INSERT INTO Testcase(name, url) VALUES ("not specified","")


Start the ResultsDB instance in screen

screen -S resultsdb
paster serve development.ini --reload

Turbogears welcome screen should be now visible on http://localhost:8081. Either press Ctrl+ad to send screen to background, or open another terminal.

Test the XMLRPC interface

import xmlrpclib
s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:8081/xmlrpc", allow_none = 1)

Expected result:

{'required_keyval': ['pkg_name', 'envr', 'arch', 'owner']}

Exit Python shell


Stop the application

If you used the screen terminal to run ResultsDB, reattach it using

screen -r resultsdb

or switch to the terminal window in which you started the application.

Press Ctrl+c to kill the running Turbogears application. Then stop the virtualenv
