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zh CN/Meetings/2008-02-01



  • 各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,
  • Mozilla (Firefox|Thunderbird) 翻譯流程概況及前瞻 - keimoto (20-25 mins)
  • 新包進入FEDORA流程攻略 - keimoto (20-25 mins)
  • 好東西推介:emesene, VLGothic-fonts, {Beginning,Professional} Linux Programming - keimoto (10-15 mins)











20:02 <+keimoto> 會
20:06 -!- rainy [n=rainy@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:08 < jhwhbd> 说啥?
20:10 <+keimoto> 不是有議程嗎
20:10 <+keimoto>
20:11 <+keimoto> 议题需要包括
20:11 <+keimoto>     *
20:11 <+keimoto>       继续邀请加入 fedora-cn Google Group 暨邮件列表,帮助申请 fedora 贡献者帐号
20:11 <+keimoto>     *
20:11 <+keimoto>       各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,zh_CN/AskFedora/Latest,zh_CN/FWN 等
20:11 <+keimoto>     *
20:11 <+keimoto>       FUDCon 9 问卷调查
20:11 <+keimoto>     *
20:11 <+keimoto>       LCA - eugene, and
20:11 <+keimoto>     * Mozilla (Firefox|Thunderbird) 翻譯流程概況及前瞻 - keimoto (20-25 mins)
20:11 <+keimoto>     * 新包進入FEDORA流程攻略 - keimoto (20-25 mins)
20:11 <+keimoto>     * 好東西推介:emesene, VLGothic-fonts, {Beginning,Professional} Linux Programming - keimoto (10-15 mins)
20:11 <+keimoto> 1: 继续邀请加入 fedora-cn Google Group 暨邮件列表,帮助申请 fedora 贡献者帐号
20:12 <+keimoto> 請這裏有興趣加入fedora-cn,希望為社區出一分力的朋友,加入 fedora-cn Google Group 暨邮件列表,方便互相通信。
20:12 <+keimoto> 訊
20:14 <+keimoto> 還沒有申請到 fedora 貢獻者帳號的朋友舉手,以得到適當的輔助。
20:15 <+keimoto> 2:各项工作的总结和安排:文档的撰写,翻译,打包和审核,zh_CN/AskFedora/Latest,zh_CN/FWN 等
20:15 <+keimoto> hellwolf|es, lonestar, hers 在嗎?誰能總結和安排一下工作?
20:16 <+keimoto> 3:FUDCon 9 问卷调查
20:18 <+keimoto> 請有參與了 FUDCon 9 的朋友填一下問卷,幫忙籌辦者改進下一個 FUDCon。
20:18 <+keimoto> 4:LCA - eugene, and
20:19 < rainy> Microsoft收购Yahoo...  faint...
20:19 <+keimoto> eugene 還沒浮上來,暫延。
20:20 <+keimoto> rainy, 真的?
20:20 < rainy>
20:22 -!- FelixZ [n=zxf@]  has quit ["Leaving."] 
20:22 < jhwhbd> 太震撼了吧。。。。
20:23 <+keimoto> 要改議程嗎?
20:24 <+abner> 真的?什麼時候的…
20:38 <+keimoto> Yahoo -> Mahoo ?
20:38 <+keimoto> 雅虎會不會變馬虎?
20:39 <+keimoto> 今天好像沒有人
20:39 <+abner> 雅虎的首頁… 廣告爆多
20:40 < jhwhbd> 要过年了啊。呵呵。重启去了。
20:40 -!- jhwhbd [n=jahweh@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
20:41 -!- rockydd [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:41 -!- xinzhen__ [n=xinzhen@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
20:42 <+keimoto> 過年
20:43 < rockydd> 好
20:44 -!- jhwhbd [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
20:49 -!- keimoto []  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
20:55 -!- keimoto []  has joined #fedora-cn
20:55 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v keimoto]  by ChanServ
21:00 -!- lazyfai []  has joined #fedora-cn
21:00 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v lazyfai]  by ChanServ
21:01 -!- lazyfai []  has left #fedora-cn [] 
21:04 [Users #fedora-cn] 
21:04 [@ChanServ    ]  [+keimoto_co    ]  [ freeflying  ]  [ rainy   ] 
21:04 [+abner       ]  [+ricky         ]  [ hellwolf|es ]  [ rockydd ] 
21:04 [+cswiii      ]  [ alex_wing     ]  [ jhwhbd      ]  [ tester  ] 
21:04 [+gcell       ]  [ AutumnCat     ]  [ kldoo       ]  [ Yuxans  ] 
21:04 [+gregdek_gone]  [ candyz0416    ]  [ nihui       ]  [ zhanGirl] 
21:04 [+hers        ]  [ christina_chen]  [ r0bertz     ] 
21:04 [+keimoto     ]  [ DawnFantasy   ]  [ r0bertz|work] 
21:04 -!- Irssi: #fedora-cn: Total of 26 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 8 voices, 17 normal] 
21:04 <+hers> 过年好...
21:05 <+hers> keimoto~ 那个 FUDCon 什么的,说是不管有没有参加 FUDCon 都可以填,所以就列到议程里了
21:05 <+keimoto> KK
21:08 <+hers> 这周工作汇报什么的,大概也就是你的 msn 有人关心…… rockydd 进展如何呀 :)
21:09 < rockydd> 嘿嘿,翻了一些 firewall。 还有printer, 但是printer在 0.7.74 提交不上去,报了bug了,还没有解决
21:14 < tester> 为什么会这么大?    kernel-2.6.24-9  78% |===================      | 159 MB
21:15 <+hers> ...
21:15 <+hers> 这是装到系统后的大小?
21:15 < tester> 下载中的,是rpm的大小
21:15 <+hers> keimoto~ 某人不在…… 你参加 LCA 了没
21:16 <+keimoto> 沒
21:16 <+keimoto> 我的前輩有
21:18 <+hers> raytracer 是什么?
21:19 -!- nihui [n=nihui@]  has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 
21:38 <+gcell> 已经开会了啊? 刚吃完饭回来
21:42 -!- kldoo [n=kldoo@]  has left #fedora-cn [] 
21:44 <+hers> gcell~ 不是开完了吗,你的题目呢?
21:46 <+gcell> hers: 开完了?今天结束得这么早啊
21:46 <+gcell> hers: 什么题目?
21:56  * hers 突然联想起卡拉OK,每人都得唱,跑不了……
21:57 <+gcell> gcell:你们先唱,我先学着,呵呵
21:57 <+gcell> hers:你们先唱,我先学着,呵呵
22:00 -!- mricon []  has joined #fedora-cn
22:00 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v mricon]  by ChanServ
22:04 -!- rockydd [n=chatzill@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
22:09 < jhwhbd> 东方红,太阳升!
22:18 -!- hellwolf|es [n=user@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
22:18 -!- hellwolf|es [n=user@]  has joined #fedora-cn
22:50 -!- AutumnCat [n=AutumnCa@]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 
23:03 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner]  has quit ["Leaving"] 
23:04 -!- abner [n=abner@fedora/abner]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:04 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v abner]  by ChanServ
23:17 -!- rEdcArp_yu [n=yyu@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:17 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v rEdcArp_yu]  by ChanServ
23:19 -!- rEdcArp_yu [n=yyu@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
23:20 -!- rEdcArp_yu [n=yyu@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:20 -!- mode/#fedora-cn [+v rEdcArp_yu]  by ChanServ
23:21 -!- tester [n=tester@]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 
23:25 -!- jhwhbd [n=chatzill@]  has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.80 [Firefox] " 
23:34 -!- alex_wing [n=alex@]  has quit ["Ex-Chat"] 
23:48 <+keimoto> ...
23:51 -!- key_ [n=chatzill@]  has joined #fedora-cn
23:52 < key_> 大家用过suse吗
23:52 < key_> 感觉如何阿
00:08 <+keimoto> 硬件支持好(方便),有不開源的插件(方便);和FEDORA的工具有差異(不方便),感覺沒有堅持只涵盖開源軟件的風度。
00:09 <+keimoto> 桌面大家都差不多,主要看後面的工具能否用熟。
00:09 <+keimoto> 因為用習慣了FEDORA,所以很難客觀地比較。
00:19 < key_> 哦
00:19 < key_> 谢谢哦
00:19 < key_> 不开源的插件怎么还方便呢
00:19 < key_> 能推荐一本学习linux的好书马
