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Since Metasploit comes with a "self update from SVN" feature and is updated with new exploits frequently most users likely prefer building from source. This page adapts instructions on [ Metasploit Wiki: Installation on Ubuntu Linux] to Fedora.
Since Metasploit comes with a "self update from SVN" feature and is updated with new exploits frequently most users likely prefer building from source. This page adapts instructions on [ Metasploit Wiki: Installation on Ubuntu Linux] to Fedora.
NOTE: The instruction has been outdated. Metasploit directory structure has been changed. <tt>msf/</tt> is now <tt>msf3/</tt>. Also Ruby-extension pcaprub is no longer distributed with Metasploit. Use gem install pcaprub.

== Dependencies ==
== Dependencies ==

Revision as of 07:50, 7 February 2014

Since Metasploit comes with a "self update from SVN" feature and is updated with new exploits frequently most users likely prefer building from source. This page adapts instructions on Metasploit Wiki: Installation on Ubuntu Linux to Fedora.

NOTE: The instruction has been outdated. Metasploit directory structure has been changed. msf/ is now msf3/. Also Ruby-extension pcaprub is no longer distributed with Metasploit. Use gem install pcaprub.


Install the Ruby dependencies:

$ sudo yum -y install ruby-irb rubygems rubygem-bigdecimal rubygem-rake rubygem-i18n

Install the git client:

$ sudo yum -y install git

In order to build the native extensions (pcaprub, lorcon2, etc), the following packages need to be installed:

$ sudo yum-builddep -y ruby
$ sudo yum -y install ruby-devel libpcap-devel

Database support

In order to use the database functionality, RubyGems along with the appropriate drivers must be installed: Postgres is the recommended database:

$ sudo yum -y install postgresql-server postgresql-devel
$ sudo gem install pg  # you can't use the distro ruby-postgres rpm as a replacement

Or for MySQL:

$ sudo yum -y install mysql-server ruby-mysql

Sqlite will work for basic tasks, but is no longer supported!

$ sudo yum -y install sqlite rubygem-sqlite3

Metasploit Framework

Once the dependencies have been installed, download the Unix tarball from the Metasploit download page and run the following commands:

$ wget
$ tar -jxf framework-latest.tar.bz2
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/metasploit4
$ sudo cp -a msf/ /opt/metasploit4/msf
$ sudo chown root:root -R /opt/metasploit4/msf
$ sudo ln -sf /opt/metasploit4/msf/msf* /usr/local/bin/

Or checkout the source from the upstream git repository in a directory of your choice.

$ git clone git://

Metasploit Extensions

The Metasploit framework includes a few native Ruby extensions that must be compiled in order to use certain types of modules. To enable raw socket modules:

$ sudo yum -y install libpcap-devel
$ sudo bash
# cd /opt/metasploit4/msf/external/pcaprub/
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install

To enable WiFi modules:

$ sudo bash
# cd  /opt/metasploit4/msf/external/ruby-lorcon2/
# svn co lorcon2
# cd lorcon2
# ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install
# cd ..
# ruby extconf.rb
# make && make install


The Metasploit Framework is updated daily with the latest exploits, payloads, features, and bug fixes. To update your installation of the framework:

$ sudo svn update /opt/metasploit4/msf/

This can also be installed into the root user's crontab:

$ sudo crontab -e -u root # enter the line below
 1 * * * * /usr/bin/svn update  /opt/metasploit4/msf/ >> /var/log/msfupdate.log 2>&1

Database Configuration

Now that the framework is installed, you'll want to configure a database connection, and enable the framework to connect to it:
For postgres, see Metasploit Postgres Setup (recommended by upstream)
For mysql, see mysql_setup
For sqlite, see sqlite_setup (upstream: "not supported!!").

This is important
Keep in mind that services firewalld and selinux must be disabled or configured to allow the pass of the exploits and payloads.

See Also