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Revision as of 09:00, 23 April 2011 by Goldmann (talk | contribs)


We are converting the JEOS build to the virtualbox platform format.


No setup required besides preparing your environment.

How to test

  1. Execute:
    boxgrinder-build /testing-appliances/jeos-appls/fedora-15-jeos.appl -p virtualbox --trace
  2. Produced disk image can be found in build/appliances/$ARCH/fedora/15/fedora-15-jeos/virtualbox-plugin/. Add this disk to VirtualBox drive manager, create new virtual machine using VirtualBox wizard selecting Fedora 15 as the operating system and add produced disk image as the main disk.
  3. Log in with user: root password: boxgrinder
  4. Run the following Test Case in the VM: QA:Network_basic_test_case

Expected Results

The following must be true to consider this a successful test run.

  1. Step #1 completes without error (indicated on console)
  2. Program completes with exit code 0
  3. Successfully boot and log into the VirtualBox appliance without error
  4. QA:Network_basic_test_case is performed successfully on the new appliance