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  1. Install Fedora 17 on your machine
  2. After system installed, check if kexec-tools is installed via
    rpm -q kexec-tools
    If not, you can install via yum
    yum install kexec-tools
  3. Reserve crashkernel for kdump by grubby
    grubby --args="crashkernl=128M" --update-kernel=$(grubby --default-kernel)
    Reboot system and check /proc/cmdline
    cat /proc/cmdline | grep "crashkernel"
  4. Edit /etc/kdump.conf. This is an example:
    ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_dhcp6558-lv_root
    core_collector makedumpfile --nosuchoptions
    default reboot
  5. Apply changes and start kdump via
    service kdump restart

How to test

  1. Trigger crash via:
    echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Expected Results

  1. System reboot and no vmcore found on /var/carsh