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Boot up a builder instance to facilitate creation of a bootable volume


Download and register some images to use for our builder instance:

$> wget
$> tar zxvf cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec.tar.gz 
$> glance add name=cirros-aki is_public=true container_format=aki disk_format=aki < cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-vmlinuz 
$> glance add name=cirros-ari is_public=true container_format=ari disk_format=ari < cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-initrd 
$> glance add name=cirros-ami is_public=true container_format=ami disk_format=ami \
      "kernel_id=$(glance index | awk '/cirros-aki/ {print $1}')" \
      "ramdisk_id=$(glance index | awk '/cirros-ari/ {print $1}')" < cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-blank.img  

How to test

Boot up the instance:

$> INSTANCE=builder
$> nova boot --flavor 1 --image $(glance index | awk '/cirros-ami/ {print $1}') --key_name nova_key $INSTANCE

Expected Results

The instance should become active:

$> watch "nova show $INSTANCE"

Capture the IP address:

$> IP_ADDR=$(nova show $INSTANCE | awk '/network/ {print $5}')

or allocate a floating IP as before.

Note the user name:

$> USER_NAME=cirros

and check you can ssh in:

$> ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i nova_key.priv $USER_NAME@$IP_ADDR