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This test case tests the compatibility of various commands with IPv6.


  1. Ensure the Package-x-generic-16.pngiputils, Package-x-generic-16.pngbind-utils, Package-x-generic-16.pngiproute, Package-x-generic-16.pngnc packages are installed.

How to test

  1. Check if you have received an IPv6 address: ip address | grep inet6
    with Scope: Global as Scope: Link addresses will not work across a network.
  2. Check if your DNS response to AAAA requests (IPv6 address):
    1. Using dig: dig ipv6.DOMAIN.TLD AAAA
    2. Using nslookup: nslookup -type=AAAA ipv6.DOMAIN.TLD
  3. Ping a host with IPv6 address: ping6 IPV6_ADDR
  4. Print the route packets trace to an IPv6 network host: traceroute6 IPV6_ADDR
  5. Display IPv6 routes table: ip -6 route or route -A inet6
  6. Use nc (netcat) on IPv6 network:
    1. Listen to port 8080 on IPv6 address: nc -l -6 IPV6_ADDR 8080
    2. Connect to IPv6 address listening to port 8080: nc -6 IPV6_ADDR 8080

Expected Results

  1. The commands should work as with ipv4.