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This is the list of the gems to be packaged. These pending review have a link to bugzilla. List of gems pending review

The raw list can be found here.

GitLab missing gems
Ruby gem Bugzilla id Status
actionpack-action_caching - -
actionpack-page_caching - -
carrierwave - -
celluloid - -
chosen-rails 967396 ASSIGNED
connection_pool 967334 ASSIGNED
d3_rails - -
devise - -
devise-async - -
enumerize - -
escape_utils - -
faraday_middleware - -
font-awesome-rails - -
foreman - -
gemoji - -
github-markdown 1026052 ASSIGNED
github-markup - -
gitlab-flowdock-git-hook - -
gitlab-gollum-lib - -
gitlab-grack - -
gitlab-grit - -
gitlab-linguist - -
gitlab-pygments.rb - -
gitlab_git - -
gitlab_meta - -
gitlab_omniauth-ldap - -
grape - -
grape-entity - -
http_parser.rb - -
httpauth - -
jquery-atwho-rails - -
jquery-turbolinks - -
jquery-ui-rails - -
jwt - -
kaminari - -
libv8 - -
modernizr - -
oauth2 - -
omniauth-github - -
omniauth-google-oauth2 - -
omniauth-oauth - -
omniauth-oauth2 - -
omniauth-twitter - -
posix-spawn - -
pyu-ruby-sasl - -
rack-attack - -
rack-cors - -
raphael-rails - -
redis-actionpack - -
redis-activesupport - -
redis-rack - -
redis-rails - -
redis-store - -
rubyntlm - -
seed-fu - -
select2-rails - -
settingslogic - -
sidekiq - -
simple_oauth - -
six - -
stamp - -
stringex - -
tinder - -
twitter-stream - -
underscore-rails - -
unicorn 786636 NEW
virtus 1040180 NEW
yajl-ruby 823351 ASSIGNED