From Fedora Project Wiki
This wiki page contains the FAmSCo meeting info focusing the APAC region. Highlights from the meeting is grouped as News & Announcements and current discussions that required FAms' attention is grouped as Discussions in the committee. Please refer to the logs for more information and you can note your ideas in the ticket associated with the discussion which is in the APAC Trac.

This space is used to note down News From FAmSCo for APAC FAm Bi-Weekly meeting.

No. of Attended Meetings - 3

No. of Missed Meetings - 0

Total No. of Meetings - 3

2012 June

3rd Week

No FAmSCo meeting, discussions for the new meeting time

4th Week

Meeting #1

News & Announcements

  1. New FAMSCo meeting time is Monday at 17:00 UTC on every week.
  2. Chair Elected - Christoph Wickert
  3. Vice Char Elected - Daniel Bruno

Discussions in the committee

  1. Discussion on funding approval guideline - APAC trac #32

5th Week

Meeting #2

  1. Please refer to the logs

2012 July

1st Week

Meeting #3

News & Announcements

  1. Nick Bebout was elected to the Fedora Board at the conclusion of the run-off election.

Discussions in the committee

  1. A new version of that incorporates the ideas from inode0 and OpenSUSE APAC Trac #33
  2. FAD funding process