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Revision as of 23:04, 4 March 2010 by Bochecha (talk | contribs) (Removing from the french ambassadors category as your account is inactive in FAS, which probably made you lose your ambassador status. Please feel free to add it back once you join us again. :))
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Franz Robert

EU - France

My name is Franz Robert. I am 46, married and father of five children. I live in the french alps near the Italian border. Born in 1961 in Paris. Studies and jobs in Paris to 1990 then moved to the Alps and fresh air. Bachelor in sciences ; Medicine ; Physic ; Master in software engineering. I began my PC career with a Sinclair ZX Spectrum programming both in Basic and Hexa. Today I'm some kind of a Dr House - look, bike, bad spirit and way of live - but not such intelligent I think and fortunately engaged.

I am software engineer and system's analyst for 20 years. I am also journalist (sports - computer technologies). I joined the Unix programmers community in 1984 with SCO systems. I am found of the Linux project(s) since the beginning. I work with Linux and Fedora since Core 2 release both on (Web) server and desktop configurations. I took part in several open source projects and believe in the Fedora Project main philosophy: the freedom of build a software commons for all.


  • Email: [[MailTo(franz AT 688i DOT com)]
  • IRC: frjedi
  • GPG key: 877BE84A
  • Fedora Account: frjedi
  • Website (in french / nothing to sell!): [1]

Activities within Fedora

  • Fedora Project groups: Ambassadors - L10N - Marketing - Websites
  • Translations: French
  • Ambassadors & marketing: I plan to improve our actual capacity to distribute physical medias and french language docs ; to promote the Fedora Project by press articles proposals, "just try it" CD / DVD's and any means I can, keeping in mind the community's goals and concepts.
  • Web Technical skills: SQL, C++, Python, Perl, PHP -5-, HTML, XML, Java, Javascript-Spry. Tools: Eclipse, Adobe/Macromedia suite, and a simple hold good text editor such as UE. OS Servers: LAMP/Fedora (FAMP!) since release 2 to 8, Microsoft IIS. Misc.: PHP/MySQL CMS developer.