From Fedora Project Wiki

πŸ”— Weekly EPEL Summary

Week 27/2007

πŸ”— Most important happenings

  • Policy for "Branching for EPEL if Fedora maintainer does not react" was approved
  • target date for for official EPEL announcement: July 19; we need to fix all broken deps beforehand (and make sure any new ones hit the repo)

πŸ”— EPEL SIG Meeting

πŸ”— Attending

From the Steering Committee:

  • dgilmore (DennisGilmore)
  • Jeff_S (Jeff Sheltren)
  • knurd (ThorstenLeemhuis)
  • mmcgrath (MikeMcGrath)
  • nirik (KevinFenzi)
  • quiad (KarstenWade)
  • stahnma (MichaelStahnke)

Others that participated the meeting:

πŸ”— Summary

  • EPEL Meeting – broken deps – nirik:
  • Jeff_S will be responsible for this topic; nirik will try to help
  • we need to poke people; they likely don't even know that there are broken dep
  • running a repoclosure before push would be ideal, but not easy; we should get that with bodhi sooner or later, so we don't look deeper into this issue
  • spam o magic script (broken deps) – mmcgrath

  • mmcgrath is looking at it; he committed to have it ready by the next meeting
  • Move epel dirs on servers down below stable – knurd

  • last week decided, this week reverted.
  • Branch for EPEL if Fedora maintainer does not react – knurd, _blah_

  • signers group – dgilmore
  • dgilmore and mmcgrath can push and sign; that is considered enough for now

  • finish the wiki docs and remove the warnings by end of may – quaid

  • round about ready; quaid has some changes pending, but nothing major
  • warning on the top EPEL-page in the wiki will get removed shortly before announcement
  • EPEL announcement -- quaid
  • early announce draft to epel-devel-l

soon; shortly after that early announce to f-maintainers

followed by first draft of real announcement to e-d-l
finally announce on Jul 19

  • RHX and EPEL – quaid

  • seems some people still don't really know that RHX actually is
  • general agreement to "we should try to work it so that Free and open source software in RHX is available in EPEL with community support"; quaid> "I doubt we'll have any problem with that idea

. I think the RHX folks feel the same; they have no need to duplicate what we do for no reason, and lose the gain of the community . It's going to be a few weeks until we can get a formal set of guidelines between the two groups . Mainly it's about the messaging, making sure that it's easy to know the difference between a package from EPEL and one from RHX . I made the point that ISVs can control that best if the ... actually own the package in Fedora :) "

πŸ”— Full Log

πŸ”— Stats

πŸ”— General

Number of EPEL Contributors 107

We welcome 6 new contributors:,,,,,

πŸ”— EPEL 5

Number of source packages: 439

Number of binary packages: 799

There are 34 new Packages:

  • alsamixergui | GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
  • artwiz-aleczapka-fonts | Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
  • blacs | Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms
  • c-ares | A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
  • cobbler | Boot server configurator
  • cronolog | Web log rotation program for Apache
  • dar | Software for making/restoring incremental CD/DVD backups
  • dx | Open source version of IBM's Visualization Data Explorer
  • eclipse-subclipse | Subversion Eclipse plugin
  • evolution-bogofilter | A plugin for bogofilter support in evolution
  • ftplib | Library of FTP routines
  • gxemul | Instruction-level machine emulator
  • itk | Object oriented extensions to Tk
  • jam | Program construction tool, similar to make
  • JSDoc | Produces javadoc-style documentation from JavaScript sourcefiles
  • koan | Network provisioning tool for Xen and Bare Metal Machines
  • lapack | The LAPACK libraries for numerical linear algebra.
  • libcgi | CGI easy as C
  • perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect | Convert singular to plural, select "a" or "an"
  • perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number | Force number of words to singular or plural
  • perl-version | Perl extension for Version Objects
  • php-pear-Phlickr | Phlickr is a PHP5 based api kit used with the Flickr API
  • php-spyc | A simple php yaml class
  • planet | Flexible RDF/RSS/Atom feed aggregator
  • python-isprelink | Python module to determine if a file has been prelinked
  • R | A language for data analysis and graphics
  • R-RScaLAPACK | An interface to perform parallel computation on linear algebra problems using ScaLAPACK
  • scalapack | A subset of LAPACK routines redesigned for heterogenous computing
  • uread | Utilities for unformatted fortran files

πŸ”— EPEL 4

Number of source packages: 271

Number of binary packages: 560

There are 19 new Packages:

  • alsamixergui | GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
  • artwiz-aleczapka-fonts | Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
  • c-ares | A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
  • cobbler | Boot server configurator
  • ftplib | Library of FTP routines
  • gxemul | Instruction-level machine emulator
  • jam | Program construction tool, similar to make
  • JSDoc | Produces javadoc-style documentation from JavaScript sourcefiles
  • koan | Network provisioning tool for Xen and Bare Metal Machines
  • libcgi | CGI easy as C
  • perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect | Convert singular to plural, select "a" or "an"
  • perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number | Force number of words to singular or plural
  • perl-version | Perl extension for Version Objects
  • php-spyc | A simple php yaml class
  • python-isprelink | Python module to determine if a file has been prelinked
  • R | A language for data analysis and graphics
  • uread | Utilities for unformatted fortran files