From Fedora Project Wiki
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Public Events

Fedora Marketing handles organization and speaking at public events, including ["FUDCon"] , LinuxWorld, and others.

Upcoming Events

  • ["LinuxWorldSF2005"]
  • [wiki:Self:FUDCon FUDCon London 2005]

Event Organizing

Speaking about The Fedora Project

Are you arranging a convention, or public speaking event? Are you a journalist that has questions about The Fedora Project? If you need someone to speak actively about The Fedora Project and all its happenings, e-mail the press contact:

National and Regional Press Contacts

We are a large project, and we have Community Marketing Contacts spread out around the world. To reach your local contact, or to volunteer as a contact, please e-mail for assistance.

~-The idea is to have 2 contacts per country for most countries, with larger regions, such as the United States and Australia, having one or two national leads and individual state/provincial leads.-~

Upcoming Event Planning

  • ["LinuxWorldSF2005Planning"]
  • [wiki:Self:FUDCon/Organization FUDCon London 2005 Planning]