From Fedora Project Wiki


This test is intended to test data transmission and receving of guest

How to test

  1. create an 5G file in the host:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=zero bs=1024k count=5000
  2. boot the virtual machine
  3. determine the guest ip address: guest_ip
  4. determine the host ip address: host_ip
  5. create an 5G file in the guest:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=zero bs=1024k count=5000
  6. scp the host file into guest:
    scp zero root@guest_ip:/tmp
  7. in the mean time, scp the guest file into host:
    scp zero root@host_ip:/tmp
  8. wait until both transferring to complete
  9. ping the guest in host:
    ping -c 10 $guest_ip

Expected Results

  1. the packet loss ratio should be zero