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Prague, CZ

페도라 프로젝트 회의

June 5-8, 2025

중요한 날짜들

이 중요한 마감 시간을 놓치지 마세요.

January 22

제안을 위한 Flock 호출

마감시간: February 23

January 27

Flock 등록이 시작되었습니다

무료 입장


Flock will be held for three days from Thursday, June 5th to Saturday, June 7th. You should plan to arrive by Wednesday, June 4th and to depart no sooner than Saturday evening, June 7th for the best experience. There will likely also be a group event on June 8th.

6월 5
6월 6
6월 7
Social Activity
6월 8

자주 묻는 질문

  • 참석하는 데 비용이 얼마입니까?

    Flock to Fedora is free to attend, however attendees are asked to consider making a voluntary payment to allow us to increase our travel funding. The suggested payment is $25 (25 USD) scaled to your country using the Big Mac Index. When you click on the orange 'Get tickets' button in Eventbrite, you will find various ticket options. Information about which countries are suggested for which tickets is available by click on the ticket's 'Show Info' link.

  • 왜 우리가 지불해야 한다고 제안하나요?

    We encourage people to pay as it shows commitment to attending. We make many non-refundable commitments for items such as lunch and coffee breaks that are lost to us if you do not attend. There is a strong correlation between paying anything toward admission and actually showing up. The cost paid does not cover the costs associated with your attendance, even if you pay for your entire costs of travel and lodging.

  • 만약 나의 국가/지역이 목록에 없다면?

    Use the value that feels the closest to right for you. Consider regions with similar economic situations. Also consider your own situation and choose accordingly.

  • 내 나라를 위해 표시된 것보다 다른 금액을 지불하고자 할 때에, 어떻게 해야 할까요?

    Please choose the amount that makes the most sense for you. Flock to Fedora is free to attend, while we encourage you to consider making a voluntary payment.

  • 다른 사람을 위해 여행 기금을 돕고자 할 때, 내가 도울 수 있나요?

    Yes! You choose a Supporter or Champion ticket to help offset the travel of those who cannot afford to attend. All travel funds are used to help Fedora Community members defray their travel costs. Travel funds are administered through the Flock travel funding program and may not be directed to a specific individual using this form.

  • 이들 제안된 금액은 어떻게 계산하나요?

    We used the raw data from the Big Mac Index for January 2023. Using the dollar valuation, the $25 US value was modified to reflect relative Purchase Price Parity. These values were then rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 to make the numbers less "ugly."

    This is not a perfect method, but since the payment is voluntary it provides a reasonable starting point.

    The specific method was to use a LibreOffice spreadsheet and open the data set. The value in the 'dollar_valuation' column (column I) was converted to a percentage and then multiplied by $25 before being rounded to the nearest $5. The formula is '=MROUND((25+25*I2/100),5)'.

  • 이 사건이 기록될 것인가?

    To Be Determined

  • 만약 내가 경제적인 도움을 받고 있다면 어떻게 호텔을 예약 할 수 있는가?

    If you apply for and receive financial assistance to attend Flock, the organizers will book your travel arrangements (e.g. flight, hotel, train, bus, etc.) for you, depending on your sponsorship package.

  • 행사 진행에 대한 기대 사항은 무엇인가요?

    As a Fedora event, the Flock conference is governed by the Fedora Code of Conduct

  • 행동 정책 위반을 어떻게 보고해야 하나요?

    The Fedora Code of Conduct outlines the reporting steps for issues related to the Code of Conduct. In a nutshell, the process is started via either creating a new, private, pagure ticket or sending an email to

  • 만약 내가 여기에서 목록에 없는 질문이 있다면 누구에게 연락해야 하나요?

    If you have questions or any other general inquiries about the event, reach out to

우리 후원사

우리의 후원사에게 감사를 전하고, 이 행사를 지원은 개방형 원천에 공헌하는 방식 중의 하나입니다.

Platinum Sponsors

Logo for Red Hat

Flock 후원의 이점

For information, see the prospectus below or contact

  • 상표 노출

    후원사는 Flock의 여러 장소에서 광고되었습니다. 우리는 또한 소셜 미디어에서 후원사에 대해서도 게시합니다. 당신의 상표는 우리의 보따리 가방에 담겨 전세계적으로 배포될 것입니다.

  • 네트워킹

    Flock은 매일 소프트웨어를 작업하고 사용하는 수백 명의 놀라운 개방형 원천 커뮤니티 구성원을 끌어들입니다. 세션 및 사교 시간에 활기찬 커뮤니티에 참여하세요.

Prague photograph by Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license.