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Robert J Beatty  
New to linux but expert on troubleshooting and marketing strategies, also I have an interest in distribution of free media.  
|REAL-NAME= Robert J Beatty
|birthday= December 7th 1985
|birthplace= Phoenix, Arizona
|irc-channels=#fedora-ambassadors #fedora #fedora-marketing
|gmail=westchaseexpediterATgmailDOTCOM rjbeattyATfedoraprojectDOTorg
== Friends ==
Larry Cafiero
== About me ==

My Name is Robert Beatty and kinda new to this so bear with me lol. Im 27 with a background in computer science and was always interested in linux, moreover fedora because of its lighthearted approach. Then I discovered you could actually contribute and it got better.
IRC:still working on that one
== Activities within Fedora ==
GPG key: NO GPG Key RJ Beatty
Fedora Account: rjbeatty
I am currently Ambassador and I am also part of the Freemedia Group, currently working on initiating a SIG for End user support and installation called Fedora End User Support and Installation Team or FEUSIT (Sounds like Fuse-IT. It may not work but ya never know until you try right?
Trying to promote and distribute as well as market and internationalization
My involvement is same as above but with plans on introducing government related entities to the Fedora advantage.
== Hobbies ==
Besides contributing to Fedora I have several other hobbies. I like biking, camping, and spending time with family

Latest revision as of 03:55, 23 April 2013

Robert J Beatty
[[Image:|center|250px|Robert J Beatty]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: rjbeatty
Fedora email:
IRC nick: RABFED13
IRC channels: #fedora-ambassadors #fedora #fedora-marketing
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (12)
Involvement Ambassador Embryo Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Origin Junior Badger (Badger I) Froglet Don't Call it a Comeback Paranoid Panda Adult Frog


Larry Cafiero

About me

My Name is Robert Beatty and kinda new to this so bear with me lol. Im 27 with a background in computer science and was always interested in linux, moreover fedora because of its lighthearted approach. Then I discovered you could actually contribute and it got better.

Activities within Fedora

I am currently Ambassador and I am also part of the Freemedia Group, currently working on initiating a SIG for End user support and installation called Fedora End User Support and Installation Team or FEUSIT (Sounds like Fuse-IT. It may not work but ya never know until you try right?


Besides contributing to Fedora I have several other hobbies. I like biking, camping, and spending time with family