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Revision as of 16:14, 11 January 2016

Golang 1.6


Rebase of Golang package to upcoming version 1.6 in Fedora 24, including rebuild of all dependent packages.


Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 24
  • Last updated: 2016-01-11
  • Tracker bug: <will be assigned by the Wrangler>

Detailed Description

Rebase of Golang package to upcoming version 1.6 in Fedora 24. Golang 1.6 is schedule to be released in early Feb. Due to current nature of golang packages, mass rebuild of dependent package will be required to pick up the changes.

Benefit to Fedora

Staying closely behind upstream by providing latest release of golang, which includes performance improvements and improved support for ppc64le and AArch64 architectures among other bug fixes and new features. For complete list of changes see upstream change notes at . In result Fedora will be providing solid development platform for golang language.


  • Proposal owners: Rebase golang package in f24(side tag), bootstrap for ppc64le(+update golang srpm macros), help with rebuild and resolving possible issues found during rebuild.
  • Other developers: Rebuild packages, fix possible issues.
  • Policies and guidelines: N/A
  • Trademark approval: N/A

Upgrade/compatibility impact


How To Test

a)Before golang release/side tag creation, packagers and users can pre-test against build from COPR.
b)After golang release/side tag creation, install golang 1.6 (from side tag) and use it to build your program(s)/package(s).
Your program/package built using golang 1.6 should work as expected.

User Experience



repoquery -q --releasever=rawhide --disablerepo='*' --qf='%{name}' --enablerepo=fedora-source --enablerepo=updates-source --enablerepo=updates-testing-source --archlist=src --whatrequires 'golang' | uniq

  • asciinema
  • audit
  • cadvisor
  • consul
  • docker
  • etcd
  • flannel
  • fleet
  • go-bindata
  • golang
  • golang-bitbucket-kardianos-osext
  • golang-bitbucket-ww-goautoneg
  • golang-github-10gen-openssl
  • golang-github-BurntSushi-toml
  • golang-github-BurntSushi-toml-test
  • golang-github-SeanDolphin-bqschema
  • golang-github-Sirupsen-logrus
  • golang-github-abbot-go-http-auth
  • golang-github-appc-spec
  • golang-github-armon-gomdb
  • golang-github-beorn7-perks
  • golang-github-bgentry-speakeasy
  • golang-github-bmizerany-assert
  • golang-github-bmizerany-pat
  • golang-github-bmizerany-perks
  • golang-github-boltdb-bolt
  • golang-github-bradfitz-http2
  • golang-github-cenkalti-backoff
  • golang-github-coreos-go-iptables
  • golang-github-coreos-go-log
  • golang-github-coreos-go-semver
  • golang-github-coreos-pkg
  • golang-github-davecgh-go-spew
  • golang-github-dgnorton-goback
  • golang-github-digitalocean-godo
  • golang-github-docker-libcontainer
  • golang-github-docker-libkv
  • golang-github-docker-libtrust
  • golang-github-docker-spdystream
  • golang-github-docopt-docopt-go
  • golang-github-elazarl-go-bindata-assetfs
  • golang-github-emicklei-go-restful
  • golang-github-evanphx-json-patch
  • golang-github-garyburd-redigo
  • golang-github-ghodss-yaml
  • golang-github-glacjay-goini
  • golang-github-go-mgo-mgo
  • golang-github-go-tomb-tomb
  • golang-github-golang-appengine
  • golang-github-golang-glog
  • golang-github-golang-groupcache
  • golang-github-google-btree
  • golang-github-google-go-querystring
  • golang-github-google-gofuzz
  • golang-github-goraft-raft
  • golang-github-gorilla-context
  • golang-github-gorilla-mux
  • golang-github-gorilla-websocket
  • golang-github-hashicorp-consul-migrate
  • golang-github-hashicorp-go-syslog
  • golang-github-hashicorp-mdns
  • golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb
  • golang-github-hashicorp-raft-mdb
  • golang-github-hashicorp-serf
  • golang-github-howeyc-gopass
  • golang-github-imdario-mergo
  • golang-github-inconshreveable-muxado
  • golang-github-influxdb-go-cache
  • golang-github-influxdb-gomdb
  • golang-github-influxdb-hyperleveldb-go
  • golang-github-influxdb-influxdb
  • golang-github-influxdb-rocksdb
  • golang-github-jessevdk-go-flags
  • golang-github-jmhodges-levigo
  • golang-github-jonboulle-clockwork
  • golang-github-jtolds-gls
  • golang-github-julienschmidt-httprouter
  • golang-github-kdar-factorlog
  • golang-github-kimor79-gollectd
  • golang-github-kr-fs
  • golang-github-kr-pretty
  • golang-github-kr-pty
  • golang-github-kr-text
  • golang-github-kraman-libcontainer
  • golang-github-matttproud-golang_protobuf_extensions
  • golang-github-mesos-mesos-go
  • golang-github-mitchellh-goamz
  • golang-github-mitchellh-mapstructure
  • golang-github-mreiferson-go-httpclient
  • golang-github-onsi-ginkgo
  • golang-github-onsi-gomega
  • golang-github-openshift-go-json-rest
  • golang-github-openshift-go-systemd
  • golang-github-prometheus-client_golang
  • golang-github-prometheus-client_model
  • golang-github-prometheus-procfs
  • golang-github-prometheus-prometheus
  • golang-github-racker-perigee
  • golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud
  • golang-github-rakyll-globalconf
  • golang-github-rakyll-statik
  • golang-github-rcrowley-go-metrics
  • golang-github-ryanuber-columnize
  • golang-github-samalba-dockerclient
  • golang-github-samuel-go-zookeeper
  • golang-github-shurcooL-sanitized_anchor_name
  • golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort
  • golang-github-skratchdot-open-golang
  • golang-github-skynetservices-skydns
  • golang-github-smartystreets-assertions
  • golang-github-smartystreets-go-aws-auth
  • golang-github-smartystreets-goconvey
  • golang-github-spacemonkeygo-flagfile
  • golang-github-spacemonkeygo-spacelog
  • golang-github-spf13-cobra
  • golang-github-spf13-pflag
  • golang-github-stathat-go
  • golang-github-stretchr-objx
  • golang-github-stretchr-testify
  • golang-github-syndtr-gocapability
  • golang-github-syndtr-goleveldb
  • golang-github-syndtr-gosnappy
  • golang-github-tchap-go-patricia
  • golang-github-tent-http-link-go
  • golang-github-tonnerre-golang-pretty
  • golang-github-ugorji-go
  • golang-github-vaughan0-go-ini
  • golang-github-vishvananda-netlink
  • golang-github-vishvananda-netns
  • golang-github-vmware-govcloudair
  • golang-google-golangorg-cloud
  • golang-googlecode-gcfg
  • golang-googlecode-go-crypto
  • golang-googlecode-go-decimal-inf
  • golang-googlecode-go-exp
  • golang-googlecode-goauth2
  • golang-googlecode-gogoprotobuf
  • golang-googlecode-gomock
  • golang-googlecode-google-api-client
  • golang-googlecode-log4go
  • golang-googlecode-sqlite
  • golang-googlecode-text
  • golang-googlecode-tools
  • golang-googlecode-uuid
  • golang-gopkg-check
  • golang-gopkg-yaml
  • gotags
  • kubernetes
  • origin
  • source-to-image
  • tmux-top

Not all of listed requires re-build as they might not ship binaries.

Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: Not merging the side tag and staying on golang version 1.5.X if significatnt issues are discovered.
  • Contingency deadline: Beta Freeze(?)
  • Blocks release? No
  • Blocks product? No


Release Notes