From Fedora Project Wiki

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Latest revision as of 16:03, 28 March 2018

Hello everyone ! My name is Joao Paulo or John in a translation. Im an Information System student from Brazil and a Linux Fan. I use Linux since when i was 10 years old. Fedora capted my attention because the huge support and the huge amount of services that Red Hat provide. Nowadays im working with Security and Linux Servers ( mostly Red Hat and CentOS ) and studying to pass the LPIC - 2 exam and others certifications. I spend my free time doing Reverse Engineering challenges, learning crazy things with Assembly language, TL1, C and studying to certification exams ( I also like to watch some cientific series and documentaries, but the major part of my day is spent with study, i can say that Study is my favorite thing to do ). I can help anyone interested in Servers and Security and im working to help Fedora Project with Translation, Coding, Infrastructure and/or Security.

Feel free to leave me a message, i will be happy to help you.

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