From Fedora Project Wiki

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|'''<span style="color:green">After review, waiting for SCM</span>'''
|'''<span style="color:green">In Rawhide</span>'''

Revision as of 20:30, 2 June 2012

🔗 Fedora JBoss Spin

This aim of this page is to gather all information relevant to the creation of the JBoss spin for Fedora. I (Gerard Ryan) am working on this as a project under Google Summer of Code 2012, with (Marek Goldmann) as mentor. More details on the GSOC proposal can be found here.

🔗 JBoss Tools

The first chunk of the work will be to start packaging JBoss Tools for Eclipse. This may require additional parts of Eclipse WTP to be packaged.

There may be some difficulty with using tycho in Fedora, see patches for eclipse-cdt.

At the moment, I'm using the following page as a reference for learning how to build: Also, focusing on the 3.3.0.Beta3 branch, so this also applies:

Currently, I'm running all mvn-rpmbuild commands from the build/ directory. I'm not sure if this is the best way going forward, it may not be necessary but the pom.xml there includes profiles for all the other components, and bootstrap profiles for many of them too.

🔗 Provisional list of packages for JBoss Tools (dependencies will be added here when discovered)

  • eclipse-jbosstools-tests

  • eclipse-jbosstools-common
    • needs jbosstools-tests

  • eclipse-jbosstools-usage

  • eclipse-jbosstools-archives
    • needs jbosstools-usage

  • eclipse-jbosstools-jmx
    • needs jbosstools-common, jbosstools-tests, jbosstools-usage

  • eclipse-jbosstools-as
    • needs jbosstools-common, jbosstools-tests, jbosstools-archives, jbosstools-jmx

  • ant-optional
    • currently commented out of jbosstools-parent to make it work

  • eclipse-swtbot
    • needed by eclipse-jbosstools-tests

  • eclipse-wtp-jeetools
    • org.eclipse.jst.j2ee (org.eclipse.jst.enterprise_core.feature) is needed by eclipse-jbosstools-common

  • eclipse-wtp-webservices
    • and org.eclipse.wst.wsdl (org.eclipse.wst.ws_core.feature) are needed by org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.webservice (org.eclipse.jst.enterprise_core.feature)

🔗 Current progress

Table below shows what is officially submitted to Fedora (after creating review request).

# Package Version Review request Packager Status Comments
1 uddi4j 2.0.5 RHBZ #825890 galileo(grdryn) In Rawhide
2 wsil4j 1.0 RHBZ #826014 galileo(grdryn) Waiting for review Depends on RHBZ #825890.
3 geronimo-activation 1.1 RHBZ #826777 galileo(grdryn) Skipped Activation framwework is included in JDK 6+ Most probably you don't need this package, at all.

🔗 Status legend

Status Meaning
Issue Package encountered a serious issue while packaging (license, etc) - see Comments field for more info.
Skipped Package submitted by accident or not required anymore.
Waiting for review Package is submitted for review and ready to be reviewed. Feel free to pick this package and do the review.
In review Package is submitted for review and being reviewed by someone.
After review, waiting for SCM Package passed review and packages is waiting for creating git repo in Fedora for this package.
In Rawhide Package is available in Rawhide. Yay! This means also that the package was submitted to Fedora 17 as an update.