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===How you intend to implement your proposal===
===How you intend to implement your proposal===
<p>Create a module responsible for storing the IRC logs into the mongoDB db.
  Create a module that will be responsible for searching the IRC logs from the mongoDB db
  Create a module which will be responsible for the future retrieval of the logs when
<li>The module responsible for storing the IRC logs will be made using logstash , a member of the elasticsearch family. Ref : </li>
<li>The module responsible for searching the IRC logs will be made using elasticsearch, using the full text search feature of it.
    Ref : </li>
<li>The module responsible for viewing the IRC logs will be made using kibana, a member of the elasticsearch family. 
    Ref :</li>
===A rough timeline for your progress===
===A rough timeline for your progress===

Revision as of 14:45, 20 March 2014

please use this template to organize your proposal

Proposal: WAARTAA

An overview of the proposal


The main objective of my proposal is the buld a central hub for Waartaa which would enhance the storage and searching gear of the system. The idea is to integrate ElasticSearch with Waartaa that will support both storage and searching of irc user logs.The fulltext feature of Elasticsearch is to be applied and will thereby support both storage into the mongoDb and for future indexing and searching


The present version of the IRC client Waartaa does not allow for users to download chat logs in various formats. It would always be great if the users would have the opportunity to directly download the log files in both text and html format from the IRC client itself. This would save time and add an extra feature that perhaps is not available with many IRC clients being used today. The present project aims to address this problem and work at a solution trying to provide Waartaa with the feature of downloading logs in text and html formats.

The need you believe it fulfills

The main need of existence of such a feature is to allow users to refer to past logs which may contain useful information, be it a meeting, a tutorial or a solution to a bug faced again and again.So without going for the extraneous process of self storing and retrieving the IRC logs ,Waartaa will be doing that for the users and that they can refer to the logs anytime in need.

Any relevant experience you have

  • Conducted workshop on python and php in Netaji Subhash engineering College under the banner of Spoken Tutorials ,IIT-B
  • Monitered and organized the online SWAT(Self workshop assessment test) in Netaji Subhash Engineering College under the banner of Spoken Tutorials.
  • Organized Python Workshop in Netaji Subhash Engineering College for Pycon Month initiative of Pycon India 2013.
  • How you intend to implement your proposal

    Create a module responsible for storing the IRC logs into the mongoDB db. Create a module that will be responsible for searching the IRC logs from the mongoDB db Create a module which will be responsible for the future retrieval of the logs when required.

    • The module responsible for storing the IRC logs will be made using logstash , a member of the elasticsearch family. Ref :
    • The module responsible for searching the IRC logs will be made using elasticsearch, using the full text search feature of it. Ref :
    • The module responsible for viewing the IRC logs will be made using kibana, a member of the elasticsearch family. Ref :
    • A rough timeline for your progress

      • Documentation

      Have you communicated with a potential mentor? If so, who?

      Yes, I have communicated with Sayan Chowdhury and Ratnadeep Debnath