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This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project[1].

Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

New Translations for Fedora Websites

Translations in Korean, Traditional Chinese, French, Japanese, and Russian were added for the various Fedora-website pages for the first time in Fedora 11[2].

Zero-day Changes Made to the Release Notes

Ruediger Landmann announced[1] the zero day updates to the F11 Release Notes which in include all the issues reported by the Translation and Documentation team.

Earlier, DomingoBecker reported[2] the lack of references about the '5.2.1. Fingerprint Readers' section in the Fedora 11 Release Notes. PaulFrields suggested[3] the addition of a link to a wiki page as the reference with a mention of note for 'further information' and the note could be easily translated by reusing translations from existing sections.

system-config-kdump Not Enabled for Submission

Kris Thomsen brought forward a problem[1] with the submission of the system-config-kdump package via It was later found[2] that the user account 'transif' used to submit translations via had not been granted submission privileges for this module. This problem is currently in process of being resolved.

Sections of the Fedora Users-Guide Cannot be Translated

Daniel Cabrera reported[1] that some lines from the Fedora User Guide are missing from the .pot file and as a result these lines remain untranslated in the final document. This was caused while merging the many disparate files generated by publican[2].

SELinux User Guide Now Available for Translation

Scott Radvan, writer of the Fedora SELinux User Guide, announced[1] the availability of the document for translation. The disparate files have been merged together into a single .pot file, which can be downloaded. The translations for this document can be submitted via[2].