From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 14:08, 20 July 2009 by Duffy (talk | contribs) (moved FedoraCommunity to Fedora Community: wiki standards)

Suggested move
It has been suggested by Quaid to move or rename this page to "Fedora Community".

Fedora Community


Fedora Community is a web portal designed to make it easier for package maintainers to do their job. The goal is to create a modular web page in which each module would pull views from the various Fedora resources and display them to the user. It is a first step in implementing the goals laid out in this paper .

It is the collection of Moksha web applications which make up the Fedora Community portal - an integrated view into the Fedora Infrastructure. Moksha is the base generic platform which provides a web framework based off of TurboGears 2 and jQuery for creating web applications which can be stitched together to create a larger integrated application.

Fedora Community builds on top of Moksha to provide a fast and consistent user interface to Fedora Infrastructure applications. MyFedora is the repository for all of the Fedora specific apps that make up the bulk of Fedora Community.






  • Sitemaps - give a high-level overview of how various pages/functionality within MyFedora might be laid out in a navigational structure
  • Mockups - mockups of My Fedora screens
    • UI Review, November-December 2008 - UI review of discrepancies between mockups and implementation, with bulleted list of needed changes to get implementation closer to mockup vision.
    • UI Review, 29 April 2009 - UI review of discrepancies between mockups and implementation, with bulleted list of needed changes to get implementation closer to mockup vision.
    • UI Review, May 2009 - UI review of discrepancies between mockups and implementation, with bulleted list of needed changes to get implementation closer to mockup vision.
  • FedoraCommunity/Guidelines - guidelines for the My Fedora UI



API Refrences


  • TurboGears 2 - TurboGears 2 Python Web Framework
  • jQuery - cross browser JavaScript library
  • jQuery.UI - JavaScript user interface widgets which we base our widgets off of