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Compiz is one of the OpenGL based compositing window managers and is included in Fedora Core 6 onwards. Red Hat has done changes to compiz to enable it to work on top of AIGLX framework. AIGLX is now part of Xorg 7.1 release.

Fedora 10 and 11

To setup compiz-fusion for Gnome you need to install these additional packages:

yum install -y ccsm emerald-themes compizconfig-backend-gconf fusion-icon-gtk emerald compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gnome libcompizconfig compiz-gnome compiz-bcop compiz compizconfig-python compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome

To setup compiz-fusion for KDE you need to install these additional packages:

yum install -y ccsm emerald-themes compizconfig-backend-kconfig fusion-icon-qt emerald compiz-fusion libcompizconfig compiz-bcop compiz compizconfig-python compiz-fusion-extras  compiz-kde compiz-manager

To setup compiz-fusion for both Gnome and KDE you need to install these additional packages:

su -
yum install -y ccsm emerald-themes compizconfig-backend-kconfig compizconfig-backend-gconf fusion-icon* emerald compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-gnome libcompizconfig compiz-gnome compiz-bcop compiz compizconfig-python compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compiz-kde compiz-manager

Now just start Compiz via compiz-icon command of start it from menu.

Fedora Core 6

Compiz is installed by default in Fedora Core 6 but Metacity is used as the default window manager in GNOME. To switch to Compiz, select the appropriate options in System => Preferences => Desktop Effects in GNOME. KDE users can run

compiz --replace gconf &
gnome-window-decorator &

Compiz uses AIGLX in Fedora Core 6 and since compositing extension is enabled by default in Xorg now, using compiz is just a single click process on appropriate hardware.

How to use Compiz

We need a feature list and how to use Compiz including key combination

  • Rotate - [Control] +[Alt] +Right Arrow Key or Left Arrow Key
  • 3D Cube - [Control] +[Alt] +Left Mouse Click then Drag the mouse
  • Scale - Move mouse to Top Right Corner or press [Pause] key. Press [Esc] key to go back.
  • Zoom - [Super/Windows] + Right Mouse Click
