From Fedora Project Wiki

Clint Savage

Hello, my name is Clint Savage, people online call me Herlo.


  • City/State/Country: Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • Email: herlo AT fedoraproject dOt org
  • IRC: I am known as 'herlo' on #utos, #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-mktg #fedora-docs, #uphpu, #fedora, #django
  • GPG key: GPG Key ID = 62A2258E
  • Fedora Account: herlo

Activities within Fedora

  • Creator of the future supybot plugin to log an irc channel given certain commands.
  • Among the initiators of the Fedora Calendaring Project
  • Fedora Regional Coordinator for North American Ambassadors (Mountain West Region)
  • Package maintainer of two packages

Deliverables for FUDCon Toronto 2009

  • I'll be running the Fedora-Event-Splash Hackfest with Ian Weller.
  • Willing to run a session in the User Track (to be determined later)
  • Attending the 'How I Got Started with PyGTK' talk by Paul W. Frields

As part of my work, I deal with Puppet, Koji and Cobbler. I also have a desire to learn more about Bodhi, so I will likely attend any sessions regarding these items. In addition to this, I plan to corner Jon Stanley and Mike McGrath so I can start helping with infrastructure tasks within Fedora as well. I'm doing a little of this at the Fedora Talk FAD in on Oct 24-25.

Amount Requested: 500 US$ (I'll pick up part of the tab, whatever is over that amount. I'm figuring that it will be less than $200 over that price depending on how I book things)

Activities outside Fedora

In my home state of Utah in the United States, I am the founder and main organizer of these groups/events.

  • The Utah Open Source Foundation ( provides free streaming and podcasting services as well as events to Local User Groups (LUGs) who promote open source.
  • The Utah Open Source Conference ( will be a yearly event after the 2007 success. As a Fedora Ambassador, I plan on promoting Fedora to all that attend.
