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Revision as of 05:38, 8 November 2011 by Arthurbuliva (talk | contribs)
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Arthur Buliva
Arthur Buliva
Personal Information
Birthday: {{{birthday}}}
Home: Nairobi, Kenya
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: arthurbuliva
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail: arthurbuliva AT fedoraproject DOT org
GPG-Key: 7B8DEC29
IRC: {{{irc-nick}}} on in
Badges (12)
Mugshot Involvement Ambassador Embryo Tadpole Egg Tadpole with Legs Free the Fedora Adult Frog Origin Froglet Junior Badger (Badger I)

Based in Nairobi Kenya. Have been a Fedora and Red Hat user since Red Hat 8. I am a software engineer and translator. I have an interest in robotics, electronics and process automation.

More personal Stuff

  • Location: : Nairobi Kenya
  • Time zone : GMT +03:00
  • Languages : Swahili, English, Luhya, Luo
  • Profession : Software Engineer
  • Location: Nairobi, Kenya


Project(s) as an Ambassador / Activities within Fedora

  • Fedora Desktop
  • Fedora Localization
  • Fedora Free Media