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Revision as of 00:28, 15 August 2010 by Ascenseur (talk | contribs) (removed ambassador links)

Joe O'Dell
Joe O'Dell
Joe O'Dell
Joe O'Dell
Personal Information
Born: 31st Jan 1996 in United Kingdom
Home: Bedfordshire, UK
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: ascenseur
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail:
GPG-Key: 41BBF4C9
IRC: ascenseur on Libera.Chat, in:
#dfey, #fedora-uk, #ubuntu-uk, #bedslug
Badges (12)
Tadpole Egg Adult Frog Involvement Embryo Junior Badger (Badger I) Paranoid Panda Let Me Introduce Myself Don't Call it a Comeback Crypto Panda Tadpole with Legs Froglet

Do you need some Fedora Media quickly and the FreeMedia form is closed? Email me at the details below and I'll be happy to help.
Just make sure to include your name, address, why you want it and how many you need. Please note, I may not be able to fulfil all requests

Joe O'Dell

Hi, My name is Joe O'Dell and I've been working on Fedora for quite a while.

Do you want a *really* short Bio? Ok.

  • I'm 14
  • I live in the UK
  • I attend a Secondary School
  • I have used Linux for ages
  • I love Linux
  • I'm part of the FreeMedia Program
  • I have been a Fedora Ambassador

Do you want more? Email me, the address is

Me & Linux

Although I'm still at school, I've been using Linux for quite a while now - I first started using it way back in 2005, when I finally decided to give MS the boot. I'd finally become tired of paying for an OS, while there were perfectly good ones (and even better ones!) available on the internet.

I have a passion to share Linux, and hopefully I can benefit a lot of people!


If you ever feel like having a good chat with me, or want to ask me something, don't be afraid to email, IRC or even call me!

You are more than welcome to do that, and I'd quite like a chat!

I welcome you to contact me via phone/SIP (I'd quite like a nice chat!), but please try to use email/IRC first, as I am not always at my desk to recieve phone calls. If it's extremely urgent, ring me via the details below

Do you need some Fedora Media quickly and the FreeMedia form is closed? Email me at the details above and I'll be happy to help.
Just make sure to include your name, address, why you want it and how many you need. Please note, I may not be able to fulfil all requests

Me on the Internet

I have a collection of sites floating around the website, please visit them!

  • My Blog - Here I post about anything and everything!
  • bedsLUG - This is the LUG (Linux User Group) that I am running for Bedfordshire, UK.
  • anagram:creative - I run a creative design business, it helps me buy things that I need for school!
  • Joe O'Dell - This is my page on another Linux distro's wiki.
  • Launchpad: ascenseur - I help translate on, this is my page
  • Wikipedia: Vie_ascenseur - I contribute to Wikipedia in my spare time, so this is another page of mine.

I also have some useful sites which I'd quite like you to visit!

  • DFEY - DFEY is a group of young people from across the UK who aim to promote FLOSS and Libre to other young people and schools. I'm a member :)

Activities within Fedora

Free Media contributor since 2009!

I love being part of the FreeMedia group, as it lets me give something back to the world :)

I don't have extreme amounts of money that I can give, but by sending a couple of 25p discs every month, I know someone else has experienced linux, and that's all good!

If you are interested in seeing where I send my DVDs to, have a look at My FreeMedia Page.

Promoting Fedora

I aim to promote Fedora (but also other Linux distros) to the wide community in which I live in. This is why I have set up my own LUG (Linux User Group), as I believe that there is a lot I can help others learn, and Fedora is a part of it!

If you're interested in my LUG, have a look at

Designing FreeMedia resources

I have created a FreeMedia mailer to use when sending DVDs abroad, so that it gets there safely whilst being extremely economical on postage costs.

The latest version of it, which includes a customs label pre-inserted, is available on my Fedora People account at

Fedora Ambassadors

I was a Fedora Ambassador, however I was unable to continue due to education commitments.

I have an aspiration to once again become an Ambassador after I finish my education.