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In this section, we cover the happenings for Fedora Marketing Project from 2010-07-07 to 2010-07-13.

Contributing Writer: Neville A. Cross

Peter shared[1] a message about OLPC software strategy which confirm ongoing collaboration, specially deploying fedora on a secondary architecture.

Luke Slater started[2] brain storming about a new name for Fedora Fuzz[3]. This will be a way to feedback and monitor social networks. Robin Bergeron[4] proposed Hive. Jef van Schendel[5] liked things related to earthquakes and climate. On his side Stephen John Smoogen[6] liked things related with coffee. There was more ideas posted on the wiki.[7]

Carl Gaudreault took the buzz idea one step forward[8], looking to what kind of information we will like to gather for Fedora.

Mel Chua shared [9] a link to MeeGo community metrics. A good text to look at for think about how we will like to expand our own metrics.

Sweet MMM (Marketing Meeting Minutes)[10] from July 13th are as usual available to public. There is a review of marketing weekly meeting schedule. You can view the details on Mel Chua's mail[11]