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Revision as of 23:18, 7 September 2010 by Rashadul (talk | contribs) (Updating the Development News for the FWN 242)


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and Events[3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

Fedora Announcement News

The announcement list is always exclusive for the Fedora Community. Please, visit the past announcements at[1]

Board IRC Meeting :: Fri 2010-08-27 at UTC 18:00 in #fedora-board-meeting

Fedora Project Leader, Jared K. Smith[1] on Fri Aug 27 14:40:46 UTC 2010 announced[2],

"Sorry for the late announcement... The Fedora Board is having a public IRC meeting today in #fedora-board-meeting at UTC 18:00 (2:00pm EDT, 11:00am PDT).

We'll follow the same protocol as we did on the August 13th meeting, as is explain here:[3].

The entire meeting will be dedicated to Questions and Answers. We're going to limit any single question to eight minutes, so that we can cover as many questions as possible in the 60 minutes we have available. In the interest of rapid responses, the Board members will be encouraged to respond at will to questions, as we did in the previous meeting."

Trademark defense -- you can help!

Paul W. Frields[1] on Tue Aug 31 15:23:27 UTC 2010 announced[2] that Red Hat Legal provides numerous services as counsel to the Fedora community, including defending Fedora trademarks against possible encroachment. On his announcement, he also mentioned,

"Occasionally, people who have no connection to our community attempt to use the Fedora trademark to signify business efforts that have no connection to the Fedora Project, our distribution, or the Fedora community.

Red Hat Legal is currently working on just such a defense. They've asked me to pass on a request for assistance in gathering physical evidence of our use of the Fedora logo worldwide prior to *January 30, 2007*.

Here's what Red Hat Legal needs. Please read this description carefully, and DO NOT REPLY to this list with attachments. That will keep the list usable by its many subscribers. Please reply directly to the addresses listed at the bottom of this email, and only if you have something that meets one or more of these criteria.

  • An item bearing the current Fedora logo that was produced or available in China prior to January 30, 2007 is optimal, but anything available worldwide would suffice.
  • Tangible objects -- paper brochures, CDs, buttons, mousepads, balloons, webpage printouts with a print date from before 30 January, 2007, T-shirts, etc. -- that were in existence before that date. For example, a T-shirt that says "Fedora 2005" on it would be good, or perhaps one with just a release number that's before January 30, 2007.
  • We have a Fedora 5 CD, but any others from before 30 January 2007 would be good. (AFAIK Fedora Core 6 is the only other applicable release, since FC5-FC6 were the two distros we produced with the logo prior to January 30, 2007.)[3]
  • We're looking for a a hard copy of this Linux magazine from March, 2006:[4][5] any other magazines, ads, news articles, etc. from before January 30, 2007 that talk about Fedora.

If it's not obvious from the object itself what the date is, Red Hat Legal may ask you to sign an affidavit explaining what the object is and how you know it existed before January 30, 2007.


Photos or scans of anything like CD's, T-shirts, keyrings, mouse pads, etc. are acceptable. You can email these directly to edutton at redhat dot com

If the item is paper (like the magazine), you can mail it directly to:

 Erin Dutton
 Red Hat Legal Department
 Attention: Fedora TM items
 1801 Varsity Drive
 Raleigh, NC  27606

Fedora Development News

The fedora development news list is intended to be a low traffic announce-only list for Fedora development.[1]

  • Acceptable Types of Announcements

- Policy or process changes that affect developers. - Infrastructure changes that affect developers. - Tools changes that affect developers. - Schedule changes - Freeze reminders

  • Unacceptable Types of Announcements

- Periodic automated reports (violates the INFREQUENT rule) - Discussion - Anything else not mentioned above

Open Seat on the Fedora Packaging Committee

Tom "spot" Callaway[1] on Wed Sep 1 20:10:00 UTC 2010</ref> announced[2],

"The Fedora Packaging Committee has an open seat. Are you interested in helping to decide the packaging standards and guidelines for Fedora? Are you familiar with the inner workings of RPM and its spec file magic? Do you make the wiki cry? Does trac tremble in your wake? Are you clinically insane? (Well, the last one isn't mandatory, but it helps.)

Members of the Fedora Packaging Committee get:

  • My neverending gratitude
  • The ability to tell people "I'm on the Fedora Packaging Committee"
  • Good karma
  • Cake

The FPC meets weekly on IRC, Tuesdays at 1600 UTC

If you're interested in this seat, please email[3] me."

  1. Tom "spot" Callaway tcallawa at
  3. tcallawa at

Please remember to update rawhide

Kyle McMartin[1] from the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee on Thu Sep 2 01:02:43 UTC 2010</ref> announced[2],

"FESCo has heard a few complaints of cases where packages were newer (insome cases several versions newer) in F-14 than in rawhide. So this is just a friendly reminder that you should be updating rawhide (dist-f15) in addition to branched (dist-f14.) Inheritence from F-14 into rawhide isn't automatic if there's been a separate build in dist-f15 since the branching, so please keep in mind updating rawhide as well.

While I'm reminding, just another friendly reminder that you must submit update requests using bodhi for updates in F-14 as well, as there has been a bit of confusion about that as well."

Please remember to update rawhide

Tom Lane[1] on Thu Sep 2 14:43:40 UTC 2010</ref> announced[2],

"Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at> writes: > When you do an update in F-14 and rely on inheritance to get the package into rawhide, there is a problem. That package will not go to rawhide until it hits stable in F-14.

... um ... and why exactly is that the policy?'

> That means, for the typical F-14 workflow of:

  • build for f14.
  • Push to testing in f14
  • Wait one to two weeks for the package to receive some testing
  • Push to stable

> rawhide is left with an older inherited build until it is pushed to stable.

Which is why this shouldn't be the policy. Rawhide should inherit the latest completed build. It's rawhide, after all."

New Bugzilla URL to create Fedora Review Requests coming

Till Maas[1] on Sat Sep 4 20:54:32 UTC 2010 announced[2],

"probably on 2010-09-09 the Bugzilla URL to create new Fedora Review Requests will change to remove one more relict of the former Fedora Core/ Extras split. The new URL will be:[3]

Please remember to update your bookmarks. More information about this change can be found in Bug 246071:[4]

If you know other locations than the Fedora wiki page about the Package Review Process[5] , that link to the current URL, please tell me."

All Features 100% Complete by 2010-09-14

John Poelstra[1] on Tue Sep 7 14:30:54 UTC 2010 announced[2],

"Hello Feature People,

According to our schedule, seven days from today is Feature Complete for Fedora 14.[3]

On September 14, 2010, all features must be 100% complete (not including bug fixes). Features that are not 100% complete will be sent to FESCo for further review. Please take time now to update your feature page to reflect all of the work completed for Fedora 14. Unfinished items can be rolled forward to a new page for Fedora 15.

A friendly reminder that the feature pages list below are not at 100% complete:

[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

p.s. All feature owners for the features listed above have been bcc'd on this email."

Fedora 14 Beta Change Deadline 2010-09-14

John Poelstra[1] on Tue Sep 7 21:59:19 UTC 2010 announced[2],

"In addition, to next Tuesday (2010-09-14) being the Feature Complete deadline for Fedora 14, it is also the Beta Change Deadline.

"At the change deadline, pushes to the branched development repository are suspended until the release candidate is accepted."

More about what this means is here:[3]"

Fedora Events

Fedora events are the exclusive and source of marketing, learning and meeting all the fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

Upcoming Events (Sept 2010 - November 2010)

  • North America (NA)[1]
  • Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
  • India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]

Past Events

Archive of Past Fedora Events[1]

Additional information

  • Reimbursements -- reimbursement guidelines.
  • Budget -- budget for the current quarter (as distributed by FAMSCo).
  • Sponsorship -- how decisions are made to subsidize travel by community members.
  • Organization -- event organization, budget information, and regional responsibility.
  • Event reports -- guidelines and suggestions.
  • LinuxEvents -- a collection of calendars of Linux events.