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Revision as of 13:08, 29 September 2010 by Mikeb (talk | contribs)

Koji can be configured to send notifications of events and state changes to a AMQP (qpid) broker. This page explains how to configure Koji to communicate with a message bus and documents the structure and contents of the messages it sends.


Koji message bus integration is implemented via a Koji hub plugin, which registers a callback that is executed when certain events occur on the hub. To install the plugin, install the koji-hub-plugins package on the Koji hub machine. To enable the plugin, edit the Plugins entry of /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf so it contains messagebus. Make sure the Plugins entry is not commented out.

Configuration of the message bus plugin itself is handled by editing /etc/koji-hub/plugins/messagebus.conf. The [broker] section defines how to connect to the AMQP broker you want to use. auth can be any authentication type supported by the SASL configuration of the broker. If using auth = PLAIN, you must also provide a username and password, and it is highly recommended to set ssl = true. Otherwise you'll be sending your username and password over the network in plain text.

The [exchange] section determines where the plugin will send messages. The type option may be topic or headers. The exchange may already exist, or the plugin will create it, in which case the account being used to connect to the broker must have sufficient privileges to create exchanges.

If using a topic exchange, you can set the prefix of the message routing key with the prefix option in the topic section.

The body of the messages will be encoded in the format specified by the encoding option in the format section. Right now the only supported format is json.

Message Formats

The following table lists the events for which messages are sent out, the structure of the routing key (when using a topic exchange), the message headers (when using a headers exchange), and the fields present in the body of the message. All message bodies are json-encoded key/value maps.

Type Routing Key Message Headers Body
 [prefix].PackageListChange.[tag name].[package name]
 type (string): PackageListChange
 tag (string): tag name
 package (string): package name
 action (string): add, update, block,
                 unblock, or remove
 tag (map): tag info
 package (map): package info
 owner (int): owner ID
 block (bool)
 extra_arches (string)
 force (bool)
 update (bool)
 [prefix].TaskStateChange.[task method].[attribute changed]
 type (string): TaskStateChange
 method (string): task method
 attribute (string): attribute changed
 old (variable): previous value of attribute
 new (variable): current value of attribute
 attribute (string): attribute changed
 old (variable): previous value of attribute
 new (variable): current value of attribute
 info (map): task info
 [prefix].BuildStateChange.[attribute changed].[package name]
 type (string): BuildStateChange
 name (string): package name
 version (string): build version
 release (string): build release
 attribute (string): attribute changed
 old (variable): previous value of attribute
 new (variable): current value of attribute
 attribute (string): attribute changed
 old (variable): previous value of attribute
 new (variable): current value of attribute
 info (map): build info
 [prefix].Import.[import type]
 type (string): Import
 importType (string): build, rpm, or image
 type (string): build, rpm, or image
 if type == build:
   srpm (string)
   rpms (list)
   brmap (map): map of rpm paths -> buildroot ids
   task_id (int)
   build_id (int)
   build (map): build info
   logs (map): map of task arch -> list of log files
 if type == rpm:
   rpm (map): rpm info
   build (map): build info
 if type == image:
   image (map): image info
Tag or Untag
 [prefix].[Tag or Untag].[tag name].[package name].[user name]
 type (string): Tag or Untag
 tag (string): tag name
 name (string): package name
 version (string): build version
 release (string): build release
 user (string): user name
 tag (map): tag info
 build (map): build info
 user (map): build info
 force (bool)
 if type == Untag:
   strict (bool)
 [prefix].RepoInit.[tag name]
 tag (string): tag name
 tag (map): tag info
 with_src (bool)
 with_debuginfo (bool)
 event (int): event ID
 repo_id (int)
 [prefix].RepoDone.[tag name]
 tag (string): tag name
 repo (map): repo info
 data (map): map of arch -> (uploadpath, [files])
 expire (bool)