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Revision as of 22:09, 8 March 2011 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (Clarify NEVR in trigger note)

There are two options for scriptlets depending on whether we should care about user configuration of what services start in the past.

Start over fresh

if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then 
    # Initial installation 
    # If a package is allowed to autostart:
    /bin/systemctl enable httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    # No autostart:
    # /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
    # Package removal, not upgrade
    /bin/systemctl --no-reload disable httpd.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
    /bin/systemctl stop httpd.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :

/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
    # Package upgrade, not uninstall
    /bin/systemctl try-restart httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

# Note: the NEVR in trigger scripts should all be the version in
# which the package switched to systemd unit files and the comparision
# should be less than.  Using <= the last version with the sysV script won't
# work for several reasons:
# 1) disttag is different between Fedora releases
# 2) An update in an old Fedora release may create a newer NEVR
#    Note that this means an update in an older Fedora release must be NEVR
#    lower than this.  Freezing the version and release of the old package and
#    using a number after the disttag is one way to do this.  Example:
#        httpd-1.0-1%{?dist} => httpd-1.0-1%{?dist}.1

%triggerun -- httpd < 1.0-2
# Save the current service runlevel info
# User must manually run sysv2systemd --restore httpd to migrate them to systemd targets
/bin/sysv2systemd --save httpd

# If the package is allowed to autostart:
/bin/systemctl enable httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1

# Run these because the SysV package being removed won't do them
/sbin/chkconfig --del httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl try-restart httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

# If we're shipping sysvinit scripts
%triggerpostun -n httpd-sysvinit -- httpd < 1.0-2
/sbin/chkconfig --add httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

Be sure to test that the try-restart in the trigger restarts the daemon if it was running in a former sysv package and also does not enable a daemon if it wasn't running.

Preserve user defaults

if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then 
    # Initial installation 
    # If a package is allowed to autostart:
    /bin/systemctl enable httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    # No autostart:
    # /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
    # Package removal, not upgrade
    /bin/systemctl --no-reload disable httpd.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
    /bin/systemctl stop httpd.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || :

/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then
    # Package upgrade, not uninstall
    /bin/systemctl try-restart httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

# Note: the NEVR in trigger scripts should all be the version in
# which the package switched to systemd unit files and the comparision
# should be less than.  Using <= the last version with the sysV script won't
# work for several reasons:
# 1) disttag is different between Fedora releases
# 2) An update in an old Fedora release may create a newer NEVR

%triggerun -- httpd < 1.0-2  
if chkconfig --level --no-redirect 1 foo ; then
    ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/foo.service /etc/systemd/system/ 2>&1 >/dev/null
if chkconfig --level 3 foo; then
    ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/foo.service /etc/systemd/system/ 2>&1 >/dev/null
if chkconfig --level 5 foo; then
    # If it's already in multi-user, it will be inherited automatically
    if [ $multiuser -eq 0 ] ; then
        ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/foo.service /etc/systemd/system/ 2>&1 >/dev/null
    if [ $multiuser -eq 1 ] ; then
       # Note: we don't have to do this; it says that if the user ran something in 3 but
       # disabled it in 5 then we don't want it to run in  It's a
       # literal translation
       ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/
# Run these because the SysV package being removed won't do it
/bin/systemctl try-restart httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

# Run this because the chkconfig --del in the SysV providing package won't
# fire unless the package is removed
/sbin/chkconfig --del httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

# If we're shipping sysvinit scripts
%triggerpostun -n httpd-sysvinit -- httpd < 1.0-2
/sbin/chkconfig --add httpd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :