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Revision as of 14:15, 2 April 2012 by Jskarvad (talk | contribs)


This test case tests the tuned-adm functionality.


  1. Check that you have tuned version 2 installed:
    $ rpm -q tuned
    There must be installed tuned version 2 (not 1).
    • If not install it:
    # yum install tuned

How to test

  1. Start tuned (via systemd):
    # systemctl start tuned.service
  2. List all available profiles:
    # tuned-adm list
  3. Try to switch between profiles, e.g. for powersave profile:
    # tuned-adm profile powersave
  4. Check if the profile was really set by:
    # tuned-adm active
  5. Try several other profiles.
  6. When done switch tuned completely off by:
    # systemctl stop tuned.service
  7. Check if the tuned process is not left running by:
    # pgrep tuned

Expected Results

  1. No errors while switching profiles.
  2. No left tuned process when switched off.