From Fedora Project Wiki

Fedora 15 Release Party - Prishtina, Kosovo

When and Where

Organizers / Team


  • Fedora Project & Fedora 15 Overview
  • GNOME 3 Presentation
  • Install fest

Requirements (Budget/DVD etc.)

  • Swag (stickers,buttons etc)
  • Media (live cd's or live dvd's)
  • Budget if Swag or Media will be unavailable and also for drinks and snacks and a cake.

Detailed Cost Breakup

  • In case swag and media will be unavailable we need a budget to buy cd's and print stickers.
    • 50 Verbatim CD-R 700MB = ~15EUR
    • 100 Fedora Logo 7x7cm Stickers = TODO
  • Cake = 25-30 EUR
    • A big cake with the Fedora logo in the middle
  • Drinks = 10 EUR
    • Beverage drinks
    • Juices
  • Snacks = 10 EUR
    • Chips
    • Cookies etc.

We will save all receipts, scan them and send to you.


  • After the event