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Revision as of 19:59, 29 April 2011 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (This scripted update brought to you by python-simplemediawiki and python-bugzilla.)

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File:F41 anaconda center.png

Approved Blockers

The following list of bugs are approved blockers that must be resolved. There are 11 bugs affecting 11 components.

Bug Component Status Description
696320 firstboot NEW After text-mode iSCSI install and boot, firstboot-text and getty are both running - unable to login on console
684846 gnome-keyring NEW selinux denial prevents dbus activation of gnome-keyring-daemon
697834 gnome-menus NEW Other menu appears in default installation
696864 ibus-chewing ON_QA [abrt] ibus-chewing- Process /usr/libexec/ibus-engine-chewing was killed by signal 6 (SIGABRT)
693809 imsettings ON_QA Error message about missing input methods should be removed
692230 iscsi-initiator-utils ASSIGNED /etc/init.d/iscsi check for network presence needs to be systemd aware
699896 llvm ON_QA AVX code generation is broken in LLVM 2.8
699905 mesa NEW Mesa rebuild for fixed LLVM 2.8
700276 mutter MODIFIED Enabling session saving with Gnome shell makes GUI login unusable
682001 system-config-services ASSIGNED s-c-services - all read and disabled, needs to cope with systemd
679579 xorg-x11-drv-ati MODIFIED [R2XX] GNOME Shell graphics corruption

Proposed Blockers

The following list of bugs are not yet approved to block the release. There is 1 bug affecting 1 component. For guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to QA:SOP_blocker_bug_process.

Bug Component Status Description
696278 NetworkManager NEW The system network services are not compatible with this version.


The following list of of bugs are approved nice-to-have. Fixes for nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There are 12 bugs affecting 9 components.

Bug Component Status Description
695492 LiveCD NEW can't tell whether "Verify and Boot" on 15 Beta Live image boot menu actually does a verify
696943 anaconda POST logs got by virtio are different from the originals on guest
699923 anaconda NEW livecd doesn't have /var/log/dmesg
700085 anaconda POST iSCSI login dialog allows unselecting all devices and continuing - unable to login to any iSCSI devices after
683265 dracut ASSIGNED u3 device on Sandisk Cruzer 8G USB Drive hangs Fedora 15 Alpha boot
699014 gnome-shell NEW Can't connect to WPA2 Enterprise networks
697689 hulahop NEW hulahop has issues with firefox 4 / xulrunner 2
688302 krb5-auth-dialog ON_QA 'Credentials have expired' notification shows when you have no credentials
681582 lvm2 NEW lvm-monitor of snapshot hangs at reboot/shutdown
697649 sugar NEW Sugar Wireless Networking broken by NetworkManager 0.9 API
678555 systemd ON_QA systemd should not purge application created cgroups, even if they contain no processes
697188 systemd NEW RFE: systemadm lacks menu entry


The following list of bugs are not yet approved nice-to-have issues. Only fixes for approved nice-to-have bugs will be accepted during the freeze. There are 0 bugs affecting 0 components. For guidance on reviewing the following bugs, refer to QA:SOP_nth_bug_process.

Bug Component Status Description