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Revision as of 12:40, 14 November 2012 by Kparal (talk | contribs) (improve instructions)


This is to verify that Anaconda's inst.repo boot option works together with a DVD.iso placed on local disk partition.


  1. Prepare a system with a spare physical disk partition (not an LVM logical volume) to store the DVD.iso image.
  2. Copy the DVD.iso to the disk partition.
  3. Remember one of the partition's identifiers - either partition device (like /dev/sdb1) or LABEL or UUID. gnome-disk-utility can help you with that.
  4. Prepare any non-live media for booting the installer (anything except Live.iso).

How to test

  1. Before booting the installer, specify a target hard disk repository by adding a boot option in one of these forms:

    The <path> can refer to a directory containing a single .iso file, or to the .iso file directly.

    Make sure the .iso file architecture matches the architecture of your installer media.
  2. Proceed with installation

Expected Results

  1. The installer auto-selects requested disk repository as the installation source in its GUI
  2. The requested repository is used to download and install required packages. This can be checked by inspecting /tmp/packaging.log. Example output:
    14:44:07,093 INFO packaging: setting up device sdb1 and mounting on /mnt/install/isodir
    14:44:07,217 INFO packaging: mounting /mnt/install/isodir/DVD.iso on /mnt/install/source
    14:44:07,545 DEBUG packaging: adding yum repo anaconda with baseurl file:///mnt/install/source and mirrorlist None
    14:44:07,568 DEBUG packaging: disabling repo fedora
    14:44:07,569 DEBUG packaging: disabling repo updates-testing
    14:44:07,569 DEBUG packaging: disabling repo updates
  3. The installation completes and the new system initiates boot properly