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Revision as of 12:40, 28 February 2012 by Rbergero (talk | contribs) (→‎Feb. 20-26)
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Hi. I'm Robyn. If you've landed on this page looking for my "About Me" page, go here. Otherwise: The purpose of this page is to provide some transparency around what I'm doing all day as the Fedora Project Leader. This page is a work in progress; I'm still figuring out how to make this information moderately digestable, while still providing good insight as to what I'm getting done, or planning on getting done.

For now, I've got three sections: one for "this week" - another for short-term accomplishments, which I figure to be in the next month or so - and the last is long-term, bigger, meatier goals. I'm not going to be hyperlinking and whatnot on the tasks; the goal is to provide transparency, and not to spend all my time on a to-do list without actually doing things. :) Note that the "this week" stuff doesn't include obvious things like "respond to email" or "attend meetings" or "generally participating in Fedora-land by being on IRC."

Feb. 27 - Mar. 4

  • Open FAmNA tickets
  • FUDCon NA bidding
  • Business cards. NEED GPG KEY, I am ridiculous
  • Follow-up with nadeau re: podcast
  • Usability wiki
  • Workflow: Budget crap. Trac stuff. Gah.
  • Statistics, statistics, statistics
  • Keep digging on French NPO
  • LFNW
  • Weekly Board Meeting
  • Should just consider having a weekly stuff spot, including: Statistics updates, Board Meeting, Payments catchup, at least.

Feb. 20-26

  • Kickoff PR discussions w/rht PR for F17 release, first meeting
  • Take care of open famna tickets that I have
  • Sort out WTH is going on with FUDCon bids/locations for APAC, EMEA
  • Start NA bidding process for FUDCon NA
  • Order new business cards
  • Go/No go & release readiness meeting reminders, and meetings
  • Podcast with jonathan nadeau
  • Keep hunting down feature list % completions
  • RHT summit presentation submission
  • Openstack conf., need to mail someone re: .org booth pricing
  • Start plugging away at a "usability" wiki page - "how to get things done", first cut
  • Updating bio in various places
  • Talk to Jared re: howto update statistics wiki page
  • Alpha release announcement, need to finish up
  • French NPO and money-things
  • Submit for LFNW
  • Statistics blog post
  • Board meeting, trademark guidelines, need to send board meeting reminder

Short Term (next month or so)

Some of these items may move up to being a workweek to-do; others are really just kind of slow-and-steady over the next month.

  • PR plan for F17 release. Including release videos, press releases/news blogs, content changes to Fedora pages on rht web pages.
  • Planning for Fedora presence at Red Hat Summit, including booth plans, USB keys, etc
  • Work with Marketing team towards release announcement planning, feature blogs/interviews, etc.
  • Get some sort of plan together around screenshots, we've been not incredibly diligent in the past few cycles
  • Ongoing budget sort-out
  • Check progress on problem-solving post (checksums, etc)
  • Statistics game plan


Some are actual to-dos, some are more like un-fleshed-out ideas.

  • Building better on-ramps for contributors
  • Spring cleaning of wiki / bigger focus on usability for contributors / maybe a FAD?
  • Build a srs, honest-to-god marketing campaign for F18

NTH (nice to have)