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FUDCon KL Planning Meeting 2012-03-22

Meeting Time

  • When:
 date -d 'TZ="MYT" 2012-03-22 22:00:00'
  • Where: #fudcon-planning


This meeting will be lead by kagesenshi/rbergero.

  • The participants will be posted after the meeting.

Meeting Protocol


Please update this agenda with your latest items before the meeting has started.

Meeting summary and action items

  • roll call (KageSenshi, 14:07:28)
  • announcements (KageSenshi, 14:09:52)
    • FUDCon KL 2012 site is now launched : (KageSenshi, 14:10:22)
    • FUDCon KL logo has been selected, designed by bckurera (KageSenshi, 14:10:52)
    • do spread the news about the site, and register there :) (KageSenshi, 14:11:12)
    • those who submitted talks, please send KageSenshi your photo and profile for listing as speaker on the site (KageSenshi, 14:11:47)
  • Review actions from last meeting (KageSenshi, 14:12:24)
    • KageSenshi have met RaymondTai from RH-APAC last tuesday .. passed the link to the press release for review by RH-APAC (KageSenshi, 14:17:07)
    • they will get back to us in a few days time (KageSenshi, 14:17:24)
    • ACTION: KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC (KageSenshi, 14:17:47)
    • budget document is here (KageSenshi, 14:18:15)
    • Thanks to UCTI/APIIT .. our venue is 100% free of charge :) (KageSenshi, 14:22:11)
    • ACTION: sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day (KageSenshi, 14:30:08)
    • ACTION: MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals (KageSenshi, 14:32:41)
    • ACTION: KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges (KageSenshi, 14:39:44)
  • Questions/Decisions (KageSenshi, 14:44:35)
  • new action items (KageSenshi, 14:57:25)
  • open floor (KageSenshi, 15:01:57)
    • harish mentioned that press release have been approved, and rh send the press release over (KageSenshi, 15:03:42)
    • ACTION: KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready (KageSenshi, 15:04:59)
    • webcampkl is next week (KageSenshi, 15:05:10)
    • hackweekend is this weekend (KageSenshi, 15:05:19)
    • ACTION: KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there .. (KageSenshi, 15:06:18)

Meeting ended at 15:09:38 UTC

Action items

  • KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC
  • sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day
  • MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals
  • KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges
  • MavJS to send mail to fudcon-planning about tomorrow's funding approval meeting.
  • KageSenshi to write a blog post reminding about funding approval meeting
  • MavJS to reply to funding request tickets about funding approval meeting tomorrow
  • KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready
  • KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there ..

Action items, by person

  • KageSenshi
    • KageSenshi to get updates on press release approval by RH-APAC
    • KageSenshi to add cost for printing 75 badges
    • KageSenshi to write a blog post reminding about funding approval meeting
    • KageSenshi to get ppl to get some flyers design ready
    • KageSenshi to buzz the mailing list to see if theres anybody going to hackweekend, we should promote it there ..
  • MavJS
    • MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals
    • MavJS to send mail to fudcon-planning about tomorrow's funding approval meeting.
    • MavJS to reply to funding request tickets about funding approval meeting tomorrow
  • sniffit
    • sniffit to suggest food allocation for vlnt during prep day
    • MavJS and sniffit to figure out how many vlnts will be around during prep-day , and allocate budget for meals


Next meeting

Next FUDCon KL Planning meeting will be on 2012-03-29.