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Revision as of 22:37, 26 September 2012 by Pavlix (talk | contribs)

Build & distributions

I would like to remove --with-distro. Currently only initscripts are need it and I would like to remove them and leave them up to distributions (if we can't have one mostly working initscript).


Ethernet bridges and bonds work in 'pavlix/next'. They should work in any combination with VLAN, which I didn't test (dcbw/danw might know more).

IP configuration

Manual configuration works but gateway still can't be specified separately.

IPv6 router advertisements are handled by the kernel. SLAAC and RA DNS options work. D HCPv6 works. The 'DHCP Only' method is both broken and useless, should be removed. Methods should be more consistent between IPv4 and IPv6.

Platform interaction

I want to have platform interaction in one place (NMPlatform class in 'pavlix/next'). Other module should not depend on NMNetlinkMonitor

Configuration simplification

Currently a configuration file for Ethernet looks like this:



I would like it to look more like this:



Regression testing

I want to have a fake NMPlatform and fake DHCP plugin implementations that would be used for complex (non-integration) tests of NetworkManager's behavior. I would like to test the following things for the beginning:

  • Ethernet
  • Manual IPv4 and IPv6
  • Automatic IPv4 and IPv6
  • Bridges, bonds and VLANs
  • Connection assumption

The tests would be fully automatic and would not depend on virtualization or root access. They would prevent regressions in critical parts of NetworkManager. The basic set testsuite would also be very quick.

Keyfile documentation

I already had to set up lots of testing configurations. It's probably time to start writing manpages.