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Revision as of 04:16, 5 October 2012 by Xmoensen (talk | contribs)

Harry Setya Hadi
Harry Setya Hadi
Harry Setya Hadi
Personal Information
Birthday: 23 juli 1987
Birthplace: Padang, Indonesia
Home: Padang, Bukittinggi.
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: Xmoensen
Miscellaneous Information
private Mail:
GPG-Key: -
Twitter: @xmoensen {{{}}}
Jabber: {{{jabber}}}
IRC: H4nk on Freenode in
#fedora #fedora-id #fedora-apac #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-meeting


A man who was born on July 23 in Lubuk Sikaping in Pasaman, who now resides in Padang. With the latest education are active computer serjana Information Technology field. To contribute to Open Source technologies, cultivate fields and Networking engering Programmers website. and also a blogger from the realm of Minang with your blog address [1]

Recent activities with Fedora

  • Contributor at Community Fedora ™ Indonesia
  • [FAD Padang 2012] Indonesia at August 2012
  • Represent fedora-id in the "Gathering & Halal bi Halal Open Source Community" in communication forum called Amigos on September 16th, 2012 at Padang, West Sumatra
  • Represent fedora-id in the "Gathering of the Second Forum Communications Open Source Sumbar" on September 30, 2012 at Padang, West Sumatra
  • As a team of IT staff Local server Islamic Hospital Siti Rahmah using centos

Event with F/LOSS

  • As a team Opensource Migration in Islam Siti Rahmah Hospital Padang.
  • . Programmer multiple information systems using open source