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Fedora Release Engineering Meeting :: Monday 2008-03-31


  • Discussion about F9 beta and snapshots
  • No significant decisions made

IRC Transcript

-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering Meeting - Roll Call13:07
* poelcat here13:07
f13ping: notting jeremy jwb rdieter poelcat lmacken warren spot13:07
* notting is here13:08
* spot is here13:08
rdieterhere (but still fixing gcc43-borked pkgs)13:08
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering - Snapshot13:08
f13so we did a snapshot on Friday.  I took Thursday off or else i would have produced it then.13:08
poelcatdid it install for other? didn't work for me13:09
* wwoods notices he wasn't pung, goes off to play pokemon instead13:09
f13I had to fix a number of things, and integrate an updates.img into the iso13:09
notting258 downloads :/13:09
f13wwoods: I knew I forgot about someone13:09
notting11 of source. wtf?13:09
f13wwoods: ping13:09
f13notting: seriously I know13:09
wwoods258? that seems pretty good, actually13:10
f13poelcat: I'm not sure why it didn't install for you.  Did you try forcing the updates.img from my fedorapeople page?13:10
poelcatno, i was trying install from ISO13:11
f13I'm not sure how that changes anything13:13
poelcati haven't played around w/ using the updates.img much13:14
poelcat is the error i got13:14
f13anyway, I thikn it went mostly OK, we got the typical grumbling that torrent was the only option.13:14
f13poelcat: yeah, that's fixed in the updates.img13:14
poelcatand the torrent speed was not very good13:14
f13poelcat: do me a favor, mount the iso and see if there is an updates.img in the images/ directory13:14
f13For this week's snapshot I'll be doing the spin on Thursday so we have a bit of buffer before Friday13:15
f13it would be nice to have a list of things we've fixed and would like to get verification on13:15
wwoodsI'll try to put together a couple of bugzilla queries for that13:16
poelcatf13: yes, updates.img is there13:16
wwoodsbugs from the various blocker lists that have been closed in the past 7 days13:16
f13poelcat: well that's odd, it should have loaded that updates.img when booting and thus fixed the issue you saw.  You said this was from DVD?13:17
poelcatcorrect... doing a dvd ISO install w/ vmware13:18
f13I'll try to dupe here, it should load that image.13:19
f13so, any feedback/suggestions for the next snapshot?13:19
poelcatf13: any way to have more seeds?13:20
nottingi'm trying to think of a way to make it easier for people to get, without breaking the world13:20
f13notting: I've been thinking about that too :/13:20
poelcati waited all day saturday13:21
f13notting: I mean, we /could/ place it a in a few fedora infra locations and have a mirrormanager url to handle it13:21
poelcatsuddently it was done on Sunday AM13:21
EvilBobI wonder if the Unity jigdo mirror system could help13:21
f13poelcat: well, I want to release it early Friday instead of late friday which may help a bit with that13:21
f13EvilBob: how fast can we get the bits all synced up?13:21
f13EvilBob: the big problem is that from compose -> torrent available is only a few hours time for the sync, less so when I rsync against existing isos13:22
f13EvilBob: having to wait days for syncing to happen makes the snapshot less and less relevant13:22
EvilBobf13: I bet we can be synced up in a few hours and help13:22
EvilBobf13: we only have a few mirrors that will do torrent but I can put the word out13:23
* f13 thinks some more.13:23
f13notting: the enchilata module sort of kills us here, but we could put the snapshots in an easy to exclude directory and just ask that some of the active mirrors sync fast fast the bits13:24
nottingmaybe. i wonder how much snapshots of CD/DVD helps (as we have rawhide) vs. snapshots of live13:25
f13notting: mostly media install testing13:25
f13which you don't get out of rawhide13:25
f13the Live images are the more interesting thing, as it's more about content and less about delivery13:25
poelcatnotting: snapshots have a higher chance of installing? :)13:26
f13there is that13:27
f13although updates.img is much smaller to download than DVD13:27
poelcatI thought 'installability' was one of the original intentions of the snapshots?13:28
poelcatbut maybe i'm wrong13:28
f13it is.13:28
f13however, we also stated that if things were terribly broken, we'dj ust try again next week13:29
f13there is only so much you can fix with updates.img13:29
f13having weekly snapshots is also a mental thing, to get into people's heads that "Things will be snapshotted at the end of the week, lets make sure I'm in a good shape by then"13:29
poelcatf13: on that note... only one feature owner response so far13:31
poelcatthat was for ext413:31
poelcateric updated the page... nothing affecting F913:31
poelcatbecause it is not enabled by default13:31
poelcati'm not sure how to drum more interest in targeting feature stuff for snapshots13:34
f13yeah, neither am I.  But I'll poke some people13:34
f13Anything else on snapshot?13:34
poelcatis there any way to help pre-test them?13:35
poelcatbesides installing rawhide13:35
wwoodstesting rawhide is always good, but if you're looking to go beyond that13:36
wwoodsyou could probably make your own images with pungi13:36
wwoods(we include the config files)13:36
wwoodsoh man. can we ship a "generate-rawhide-images" script that calls pungi with the proper flags?13:36
f13the only thing I did for Friday's snapshot was put an updates.img into the tree before I called the iso writing phase of pungi13:37
f13wwoods: it took you more chars to type "gneeriate-rawhide-images' than it would take to call pungi13:37
wwoodsyeah, but I don't know what flags to pass pungi13:37
poelcatwwoods: thanks. i'll try that, jds2001 did a blog on that13:37
wwoodsor what config file to use13:37
f13pungi -c /usr/share/pungi/rawhide-fedora.ks13:37
wwoodshey, that *is* easy.13:38
f13that's all you have to type.  Stuff will appear in $PWD13:38
poelcatso next snapshot will be based on which day of rawhide?13:38
f13poelcat: Thursday13:38
poelcatokay :)13:38
f13unless it's really broken and then we may fix what's broken and retry on Friday13:38
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Release Engineering - Open Floor13:39
f13I don't really have anything else for this week's meeting.  The floor is open13:40
nottingwwoods: opinions on The State Of The Release?13:40
wwoodsI'm kinda worried, honestly. Partially because my testing hasn't been deep enough recently13:41
wwoodsbut there's lingering things all over13:41
* f13 notes that rawhide was installable today, at least http method, qemu x86_6413:41
wwoodslike UUID weirdness - pm-hibernate seems to change the UUID of your swap partition13:42
wwoodsor 'telinit 1' apparently doesn't work?13:42
wwoodsor the fact that gnome-system-monitor *still* doesn't seem to let me view all processes13:43
wwoodsjust.. a lot of weird little things that I'm not sure if they're on the proper bug lists and I don't know if anyone's looking at them13:43
wwoodsa lot of potential for Fail13:43
wwoodsmost of it is probably nothing, but I'm still worried.13:44
wwoodsso. gimme a few days to check bug lists and track down maintainers13:44
wwoodsand ask me again.13:44
f13I'm going to trawl through the blocker list too today13:46
f13whilst I wait for composes and installs13:46
nottingi suspect not all the upstart stuff is on the blocker list13:47
wwoodsyeah, the upstart blocker should probably go on the blocker list13:47
wwoodsand there's a lot of old junk on blocker/target13:48
wwoodsthat are either fixed, no longer relevant, or untouched in weeks13:48
nottingwwoods: well, not all the upstart -tracker is blocker stuff13:48
wwoodswell, yeah, you can just put the appropriate ones on there13:49
wwoodsyou'd know better than me which ones are blockers and which aren't anyway13:51
EvilBobf13: RE: Seeds13:52
EvilBobf13: we got the message about the slow swarm on Sunday morning and joined up, we will join on thursday this week13:52
EvilBob(Or when available)13:53
f13EvilBob: thanks, that'll help13:53
f13if there isn't anything else, I'll close the meeting13:53
* jwb is here-ish now13:53
EvilBobf13: shows our bump13:53
f13thanks all13:57

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