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Planned Activities in the next four months: Mohan Prakash

Final Semester Project
The last date for submission of my MCA final semester project is 31 March, 2014. After submission of this project I shall be relieved from the entire coursework of my MCA program. I have already completed all my theory and practical papers.
Study about bouncers in detail
My project for GSoC 2014 is Waartaa. The features that I intend to add are similar to that of a bouncer. Hence up to 20 April I will be studying in detail about implemention of bouncers in detail.
Project to popularise Fedora in rural Jharkhand
I have undertaken a project to popularize Fedora in rural areas of my province. Please refer to,_India For this I have a plan to visit two villages. The first one on 26 March 2014 for three days and the second one on 14 April 2014 for two days. After that each month for about two to three days I shall be visiting some rural area as per this plan.
Working on Waartaa
After submission of my final semester project, that is after 31 March, 2014, I shall be able to work 8-10 hours a day on the project Waartaa. This can be increased up to 12 hours a day in the last two months, that is, in July and August.
Professional Activities
I have to devote 4-5 hours on working days for my institute as that is the source of my income. However, in exigencies, I can always take a leave for about 15 days, which I plan to do twice - once, before the mid term evaluation and again, during the final submission.