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The Fedora Localization Project - Language Coordinator

The coordinator is the contact point for the group. Each language group should have a coordinator, so that other people can reach the group easily and new members can request for help directly from a person in the team. For this reason, a coordinator should already be familiarized with our tools and processes.

You could define 2 coordinators in order to be safe and always have someone responsive.

Your role is to organize your team, build it up, help your team members... Take all the actions to make your team a strong and successful community inside the Fedora Localization Project. But don't forget to have fun! :)

Approving New Translators

Each new contributor has to follow this steps : L10N/Guide#Creating_a_Fedora_Account

You role as a coordinator is to make sure the process is respected, and to validate each necessary steps (usually FAS group and Zanata, sometimes mailing list subscription).

Do not approve any unknown user(s) who has not made proper self-intro on your mailing list if you've one, or on the general trans one.

One of our core values is "Friend". Better to know at least a little each other, we are a community.

Become a Language coordinator

Take a look at our existing teams. Check also that there is no pending request on, if so, get in touch with them. If your language group does not already have a coordinator, step up to be one by following the steps below. You need to have a FAS account and a Bugzilla account.

  • Write to the trans mailing list and tell the group that you want to be the coordinator. Subscribe to this mailing list if not done yet. This is the one that you'll use to gain L10n support.
    • Is it an handover from old/new coordinator ? We would really like to see the precedent coordinator sending an email to make it official, so we limit eventual conflicts and can welcome the new coordinator.
  • Ask on the trans mailing list (or best: open a bugzilla ticket for this request) and ask to update the owners.list file with your Bugzilla information. Someone can help you on IRC for this (#fedora-trans on freenode).
  • Make sure your team gets to know you by sending a self-introduction to the your local mailing list.

Language Mailing List

  • If your team doesn't have a mailing list of its own, create one: each team with over 2-3 members should have its own mailing list.
  • To request a new mailing list, please open a ticket at Fedora Infrastructure. If you are to discuss only translations, a name like trans-XX is appropriate (eg. trans-de). You can log in with your FAS credentials. Don't forget to link to your request/presentation on the trans mailing list (the archives are there.

If you have bigger plans and would like at some point to address also end-users, a name like XX-users could be considered.

Zanata Languages

  • Subscribe to our translating platform, then ask to create a new team.

FAS : become cvsl10n Group Sponsor

  • Post a request e-mail to trans mailing list with your FAS username, letting 'Administrator' know.
  • According to FAS vocable : Administrator will upgrade you from User to Sponsor.


In order to create Bugzilla components for languages, please file a ticket at