From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Time and location

🔗 Time

The LATAM Ambassadors meetings are every Fridays at 14:00 UTC

🔗 Place

The LATAM Ambassadors meetings are in #fedora-meeting-2 channel on server.

🔗 Meeting agenda

🔗 Start meeting

Any ambassador can start the meeting and get a chair to other ambassadors.

To start a meeting with these zotbot commands:

#startmeeting  Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting <date>
#meetingname  Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting <date>

For a more detailed reference of zotbot commands, please see the following pages:

🔗 Rollcall

Here every attendee will identify himself using the appropriate commands (.fas <nickname>) and write the name of their country (where live), for example:

.fas <nickname>
<nickname> from <country>

🔗 Announcements

Here any people that have an announcement about an event, talk, accomplished goal, etc could talk about these matters in a little piece of time.

🔗 Actions items from previous meetings

Here, the chairing people will ask about last pending actions from latest meeting.

🔗 Agenda review

In this topic will show all tickets tagged as "meeting" in pagure page.

Often the agenda will be in:

The agenda will not change along meeting time (no last time tickets)

🔗 Tickets

This section will be managed as follows:

  • Here, all attendees will review the new tickets and can vote these or postpone for the next meeting.
  • If in the meeting were not quorum, the tickets could be reviewed but not voted. Quorum criteria is in the page xx.
  • Any ticket can be approved with almost with X +1.
  • Only the ambassadors could vote tickets, any colaborator can participate but not vote.
  • The tickets can be voted only in meetings, but if the ticket is urgent by any reason this can be in the pagure.

For more detailed information please see the page Reimbursement Page

🔗 Open floor

Here, anyone who wants ask a questions, require help or needs talk about any matter that can't in the previous sections can do it here.

🔗 Activities after meeting

🔗 Send meeting minutes

After the meeting, anyone of attendees can send the meeting minutes with this subject:

"Fedora Latam Ambassadors Meeting - <date>"

The minutes should be shipped to these mailing lists:


🔗 Tickets for Agenda

Every ticket that needs be reviewed and voted in a meeting will be tagged as "meeting" in pagure.

🔗 Code of conduct

  • Anyone who wants talk will raise their hand writing "!" and wait for the chairing people give them the word. The attendee will finish their participation writing a "EOF" or "EOM" message.

🔗 References