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Planet Fedora

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack


Several Fedora folks posted about the Red Hat Government Users and Developers Conference. Paul Frields posted[0] a few thoughts, as did[1] Eric Christensen and Dan Walsh[2].




Tech Tidbits

James Laska wrote[3] about the Anaconda and NetworkManager Fedora Test Day. "Our focus this round was exercising Anaconda NetworkManager integration in Fedora 10 Beta. In preparation for the day, David Cantrell pulled together several fixes for issues discovered since the beta was released."


Jeremy Katz posted[4] about updates to the initiative to get Fedora running on the XO. "So, you just got your XO to do some testing of Fedora on OLPC. You update the software that was on there, get a developer key, wait a day, and then get all ready to boot your Fedora image off of the SD card ....

And it boots. But it's slow. Very very slow. Some slowness is to be expected... this isn't a fast machine. But it should probably be a little bit speedier than it is. So want to try out a few experiments to try to help pin down the cause of the slowness? Then read on, pick a case and leave comments about your results."


Karsten Wade wrote[5] about the Fedora 10 release notes. "If you don’t assign someone from your sub-project or SIG to cover that content, that area will be empty for the Fedora 10 Preview and possibly final releases.

Yep, it’s our job to remind you, edit, convert, get translated, package, and deliver. But only you can fill in the content that is missing. One thing we will do for you is hunt through your feature page and pull in any release notes content that you put there. But you have to put it there first, we cannot divine it."

Read the full post for a list of topics within Fedora that are falling behind in the release notes process, and help out if you would like to.
