From Fedora Project Wiki

Getting Started

This page will show you the way how to post Test Result of installation against Fedora 12 Release Candidate builds. Please select test cases that best matches your test environment and execute them. Sometimes, different hardware will expose different issues. once you get the test result, please post your test result to share with others.

Do you have an account?

If you are new to participate Fedora test, then the first step is to register an account. It's a quick process, so don't hesitate to get started right away.

Create a Result page

After you have an account, please login first,then start to create a Result page. To create a Result page , we need to give a name to this page. In general, the name consists of milestone release name and “Install_Test_Result”, eg: Fedora_12_RC1_Install_Test_Results , some examples to name of Result page, please refer to : Fedora_11_Test_Results create the Result page in web browser with page name by inputting URL like this:

the page will prompt you to edit this page

click edit

now we need to copy the template to this page, open a template at: Fedora_12_Install_Results_Template click edit, select and copy all content to the page you created. Please don’t forget to save page.

Posting Test Results

Ok, we are ready to post Test Result. Go to Test Areas, click “edit” to input your testing result:

The format and examples, please refer to :