From Fedora Project Wiki
Anastasios Stasinopoulos
[[Image:{{{image}}}|thumb|center|Anastasios Stasinopoulos]]
Personal Information
Birthday: {{{birthday}}}
Home: Athens, Greece
Fedora-specific Information
FAS-Name: anast
Miscellaneous Information
Private Mail: stasinopoulosAn [at] gmail [dot] com
GPG-Key: {{{gpg}}}
IRC: anast on in
#fedora-el #fedora #fedora-ambassadors
Badges (9)
Tadpole with Legs Adult Frog Involvement Embryo Tadpole Let Me Introduce Myself Egg Origin Froglet

Currently living in Greece (Athens , UTC+2/3 ).

Activities within Fedora

As Ambassador i am currently working on extending the use of Fedora Linux in academic field by organizing presentations (hackfests, installfests etc) and putting pressure on using more FOSS in the universities of Greece.

Future Events: