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Revision as of 18:17, 12 November 2009 by Duffy (talk | contribs)

Official Artwork

All of these files are also located in the design team shared drive at:

Sleeve Artwork

Designed by Luya Tshimbalanga and Máirín Duffy

Source Artwork

Scribus F12 Disc Sleeve Source (tarball of scribus SLA and linked images) TAR.GZ

32-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

32-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

32-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

64-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Sleeve (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Sleeve (300dpi) PDF

Disc Label Artwork

Designed by Máirín Duffy

Source Artwork

Desktop 32-bit Live Disc Labels

Includes 32-bit Desktop and KDE labels.

32-bit Desktop and KDE labels. Scribus F12 Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ
64-bit Desktop and KDE labels. Scribus 64-bit F12 Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ
32-bit and 64-bit DVD labels. Scribus F12 DVD Disc Label Source (scribus SLA.GZ) SLA.GZ

32-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label(300dpi) EPS

64-bit Desktop Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS

32-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 32-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same EPS as the 32-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per EPS.

64-bit KDE Live

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 64-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same PDF as the 64-bit Desktop live media - there are two discs per EPS.

32-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS

64-bit Install DVD

Ink-Jet F12 Label (300dpi) PNG
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) PDF Note: this is the same PDF as the 32-bit install DVD - there are two discs per PDF.
Pre-press CMYK F12 Disc Label (300dpi) EPS Note: this is the same EPS as the 32-bit install DVD - there are two discs per EPS.